so many things i want to remember….ok, a few I don’t want to remember like Teagan cutting his first tooth, everyone being really sick, ear infections…..but I digress…
knowing that buying less gifts this year didn’t change us or the meaning of christmas . the excitement in the air as the grandparents arrived . watching the wonder in teagan’s eyes with each new experience . he was just as happy with the bow on the box as he was with the gift in the box . christmas jammies with names on the hiney . pretty red monogrammed dresses . the kids love uncle scott more than santa . watch t run out to see her violin and hearing “that’s not pink” . i knew we should have bought that can of pink spray paint . do you know how hard it is to find a pink violin? . cookie and cocoa for santa with the snowmen as guards . playing cards and beating my father-in-law . sporting an evil evil laugh as i scooped up all my poker chips . bwahahahaha . the annual lottery scratch off dual . watching jason’s grandpa love on kylie the dog, just like he always does when he visits . cutting up apples with jason’s grandma, chatting and catching up . snuggle bugs in the bed with gee gee every morning . watching teagan reach out for my mom after she got off the plane . teagan waving to each and every person going “bye bye” at the airport, his arm was so tired lol . watching my husband ride ty’s bike, take the ramp and bust his butt in the front yard . while wearing dr. pepper pants . no kidding
grandparents and family – check your email for a link to all the pics 🙂
I love this idea! I so need to get caught up on my pics from Christmas too!
Thank you for sharing…