I simply can’t believe Miss Ava is one already….where has the time gone? If you look up at the scrolling header on my blog you’ll see her all squished up as a newborn. ((Note to self: update blog header, it’s been awhile!)). Anyway, she’s no longer a squishy little newborn, she’s a bright, happy, beautiful, walking!!!, one year old.
Her newborn session was such a breeze, I thought for sure she’d give me a run for my money today. But nope, total rock star! As soon as they plopped her down she spotted my camera and threw me a bunch of big old smiles. I wanted to bring her home with me!!
Tiffany & David, I just loved seeing you guys again and marvel over what a beautiful todller Ava has grown in to!! Oh what a difference a year makes =)
She is so gorgeous….even a year later!! 🙂
Absolutely love it Lyndsay! Thanks so much, it was great to see you again too. I have no concept of the shots you captured tonight, I’m excited to see them because I know they’ll be awesome. 🙂
such a cutie!!