I got the best little gift today….little flutters of movement from the inside.  I love it, I love the feeling of life, a little, "Hey mommy, I’m here" reminder.  At 16 weeks pregnant, and still really sick every day, it was just the little bit of happy that I needed to keep me going.  Morning sickness went away with Taryn at 14 weeks and Ty at 16 weeks.  Every day before I open my eyes, I think to myself "today is the day I’m going to feel better".  So far it hasn’t happened yet, but I haven’t lost hope yet.  For awhile I really thought we were having a boy, but now I’m not so sure, maybe it’s a girl?….we decided to find out.  I wanted it to be a surprise but Jason has been lobbying his case to find out the gender (by bringing home really ugly gender neutral clothing), and we probably will find out.  Big ultrasound is scheduled for October 2nd, my ob is squeezing it in right before we move, so stay tuned!

A few more pictures from this week….

Little T thinks Ty has the best toys and loves to play in his room…


another little gift….this one warms my heart and her little blue eye peaking around at me cracks me up!!  Funny girl πŸ˜‰  And it’s good to actually see Ty’s face, his nose has been in a book almost 24/7.  Three Harry Potter books in 3 weeks!
