I’ve been thinking about this for awhile and now that Teagan is a bit more independant (read: fully weaned) I would really love to do some travel sessions! I get a lot of comments and emails with things like “oh I wish you lived closer to me….”
Well, what if I came to you?! I’d like to open up two travel dates to two different cities. The cities with the most interest win??
More details coming soon…but I thought I’d at least put it out there to see if there is enough interest (3-4 sessions per city minimum) to move forward. If you think it’s something you’d be interested in, post your city / location in the comments to this post and we’ll go from there!
Southern California please!!!!
Lincoln, Nebraska!
I already posted on FB, but I’ll beg you here too 😉
NJ/NYC … but not for at least another 10 weeks, my little guy is still in my belly
Minneapolis! Minneapolis! Come next summer when you need a break from the Texas heat… doesn’t 75 and breezy sound lovely? And just imagine the texture and light you can capture from 10,000 lakes. 🙂
I have a girl friend in South Africa that wants you there 🙂
Waco, TX
Chicago! Chicago! Chicago! And can you come this fall? I need to book my son’s 2-year and get our holidy photo lined up!
Anywhere in the Northwest that I can get too you! It’s been too long 🙂 Or, maybe I should come to you? LOL!!
Although, if you came to us, you could photograph McKenzie…now, that would be special!
Nashville Tennessee…I could find you at least 4 sessions 🙂
I’d vote for California’s Central Coast – like Monterey or Pismo? I’m about 2 hours from there, but I wouldn’t ask you to visit California and come to the Fresno area. The coast would be fabulous and we’ll be needing updated family photos this fall – new baby arrives in the next few weeks.
Seattle, WA! Please!
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you anywhere near Cleveland, Ohio! I don’t live in the city, maybe 40 minutes away, but they have some fantastic buildings and locations there. OOOHHHH, that would just be wonderful 🙂
Northern California…SF/Bay Area/Sacramento!!!
Northern California…!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Ohhhh…..how about Charlotte, NC or Washington, DC (or surrounding burbs in Northern VA). I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
Minneapolis!!! It’s beautiful here!
St. Louis, MO!!!!!!
OH!! Phoenix!! We have beautiful resorts, the family would have a ball!!
Charlotte, NC
Since I’m from Minneapolis, I kinda feel like I should represent and give them my vote. Does that count? Even though I can see you whenever I want to? 🙂 Which reminds me…we have some margarita-drinking to catch up on..
Pittsburgh! But I could drive to Charlotte.
Fl! FL! FL! central FL perferably 🙂 beaches, the mouse, Sea World (I know I atleast get Taryn’s vote with that one, LOL)
Calgary, AB, CANADA!! In the fall, the mountains and trees are AH-mazing.
NY — Specifically one of the 5 boroughs please! :o)
Florida – North Florida (Jacksonville/St. Augustine) would be best, but Central Florida would work!
I know I got you in Florida but how about coming here to St. Louis??? I could round up some sessions!
Birmingham or Atlanta. I will make it work and I would love for you to shoot my family!!!
I second Seattle, WA please!!!!
Oooh Seattle! Please come to Seattle! Pretty please!
Well I’m in Nebraska, but I would travel to Kansas or Iowa. Heck I’m just hoping we can figure out something if I come your way in November/December/January/Febuary! LOL! Not sure when/if we’re going to come down or not!
Another vote for Chicago!
Okay, so why not make it more than a city tour, you have the fan club for it. If you must, why not Houston? We are closer anyway. We can’t wait to see you here!!
Seattle is definitely calling your name!! It’s so beautiful here!
Another vote for Northern California!! I’m getting excited just at the mere thought of having you take our family pictures!! =)
Sunshine Coast in Queensland AUSTRALIA!!!!! 🙂
Wellington, New Zealand 🙂
HUNTSVILLE, AL!!! BUT, I will so drive to Nashville if you come there!!
Huntsville AL!!! But I would sooo drive to Nashville
Another vote for Houston….we’re so close 🙂
Southern California! Wow, that would be awesome.
How about a short road trip to the DFW area??? 🙂
NC for sure…. I would drive anywhere in the STATE!!!!!
Boston pleeeease! 🙂
nashville, TN pretty please….I live in North Alabama and would absolutely love a session.
Northern California–SF Bay Area
ok so i know i will probably be the only one from here… =)
but i vote CALGARY, AB. CANADA!!
your work is beautiful
Hi! I love your blog and follow it often. I am a photographer in Chicago….would love to be your assistant for the day! It might also be fun to have you photograph my kids! Good luck with travels!
Boston, baby!!!!! 🙂 Come here!
Cleveland, OH, PLEASE!!! Or anywhere in Northeast Ohio… or anywhere in Ohio… or a state close to Ohio. HA! Would love you to come to the Buckeye State!!!
How about the Virgin Islands??
Southern California PLEASE!
Boston! Boston! Boston! I’ve been trying to get MH to take us to Austin. The only reason… getting a session with you! So far no luck.
So. California!!!
Oh how incredible…definitely So Cal…hows Laguna Beach sound!?!
North Florida!!!! Beach, lots of beach. And history in St. Augustine.
Cincinnati please!
Philadelphia/Baltimore/DC – please!
Seattle for sure!