i’ll resist the urge to bust out in vanilla ice right now….you’re welcome! ha!
we woke up to ice this morning, not something that happens every day down here. all the schools started 2 hours late to give the sun some time to work it’s magic and melt the ice.
i’m a bit embarassed to post these because i know there are a few A-MAZING macro photogs that frequent this blog. a macro photographer, i am not. i just haven’t gotten it, probably because i refuse to use my tripod. well, that and the fact that i went outside this morning in yoga pants, a t-shirt and my slippers….uncontrollable shivers and macro don’t exactly mix lol. ty took mercy on me after a few minutes and grabbed my coat thankfully. and it was fun to play…..
that last one is for my cute husband, who loves his car just a little bit too much 😉
I wanted to shoot today too! There were some amazing fields out by me that were covered in ice and it was just SO magical looking. Maybe next time. Nice shots.
great shots. that last one will make a nice desktop wallpaper for your hubby.
Beautiful job!!
the one of the car door.. UNBELIEVABLE! great design work 😉
Breathtaking! Even though I live in Northern Minnesota, where we see ice for probably more of the year than we’d like, there is just nothing better than a good icicle. These images make me want to rexamine the scene out my window with my macro lens.
Rollin’ in my 5.0
With my rag-top down so my hair can blow
Wait, hair? Ah well, thanks for the car props. Save the best for last, right?
oh dear lord
Ice? In Texas? I’ve lost my faith in going south (MN here..so there’s a lot of south!) for the winter, lol. I hope you don’t get any snow on top of that…NOT fun to walk on while retrieving the morning newspaper!
Holy Moly- that is A LOT of ICE……
VERY cool shots! Hey, did you ever find any cool fabric stores online? I saw some awesome curtains in Erin Cobb’s blog and have been trying to find something similar for our kitchen to no avail. 🙁
OMG Lindsey…these are AMAZING!!!!!! My kids were so amazed by the ice ALL over our car…I attempted to take pictures but I do not have a macro and we were headed out to school and I had my 85mm on my camera…lets just say my pics look nothing like this:) I just showed my kids your pictures and my 10 year old said ” Whoa…who took these pictures…these are sooo cool”…I think he is in awe of you =) TFS!
oh wow very cool shots and angles, lots of ice, I like the colors in these too!
oh, I totally dig these!
I love that the hubby is singing Vanilla Ice. One of my all-time favorite songs. Lol. Great shots.