Everyone, big and small, is pitching in around here right now. Today I realized it’s November. When did that happen? December is in sight. Have I mentioned that our family has a new schedule? A new schedule that is kicking my butt. A schedule that I didn’t want, but it was necessary. We had to take Ty off the school bus due to a bully situation, which means we bring him back and forth, 3 kids out of the house 5 days a week. Taryn has school 3 days a week now so on those days I’m running like crazy. For awhile I was having to ditch the little kids naps to go get Ty in the afternoons. That was NOT working. No one was sleeping, everyone was up earlier, I had zero time to work, they were screaming and horrible messes by mid evening, we were on the run constantly….nightmare. We got that worked out but the new schedule has still been a huge adjustment for me. My days are longer, filled with more driving, less rest, less time to work during the busiest time of year for our business, the house is a mess. No more pajama days (I miss those like crazy) especially since I work weekends. At least the kids get to have jammie mornings on Saturday and Sunday. I’d like to go ahead and take a moment to thank God for Starbucks….it’s keeping me going. When we pull into the drivethru Taryn pops up with a “does mommy need a little happy?” Yes, yes she does sweet girl. I’m considering hiring an office assistant to help with office stuff next fall. I think it’s time. Someone to help with inventory, packaging and a simple dose of ‘help me stay sane without the caffeine’. Until then, I’ll get my kids to wash the windows. Taryn loves to help with just about anything as long as I’m involved as well. Teagan, well, he’s got some mad broom skills. Just don’t take it away from him or 2×4 baby will make an appearance. It gets ugly every.single.time.
i think we’ll call this one slave driver | austin lifestyle photographer
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Henrik loves to sweep too. I wonder how long they’ll keep it up?
I love how you can see the outline of his little afro here. 🙂
Oh and 2×4 baby was here this morning as well. We took my p&s camera from him…Trust me when I say, I know how bad it can get! If you ever need to hear our 2×4 wars to make you feel better let me know. I have SEVERAL!! HAHA!
I used to babysit for a kid that was obsessed with vacuuming, to the point that he would ask for new vacuum cleaners for his birthday and Christmas. That house was vacuumed daily, including the blinds and under the couch cushions. Maybe you could do some parental guidance towards a love of vacuuming?
LOL at mommy needing a little happy. I should start calling my caffeine fix that. Have you considered seeing if there’s another mom in your area that you could pay to drive Ty to school? My mom did that when I was growing up when the bus service to school was discontinued and she had a newborn at home and didn’t want to drive us every morning. Best of luck with whatever you do!
I love love love the little storys you tell about your family. So cute and real
I love this…it’s so darn cute! I think it’s time I put my little monsters to work!! lol.. I know what you mean about the messy house, lazy days and crazy schedules…just know, your not alone!
I LOVE this post! My girls love to help me clean as well, and my youngest is obsessed with pushing the dry swiffer broom around daily. If I try and ‘help’ and do it myself, she’ll throw the biggest tantrums! Congratulations on being busy and successful in your business – your pictures are beautiful and always inspiring! Good luck, and hang in there! God Bless you and your family
Cute capture! I hear you on needing to hire an assistant next year to help with packaging orders and babysitting! I’m not getting ANY sleep either. My lil guy also has some mad broom skills and a hot temper. In the last month he’s broken a tooth and sprained his wrist… sigh… and I’m 9 sessions behind tonight and no time to ever blog about anything… 🙂