I test both Ty and Taryn on a regular basis while making funny faces to check and see if they got my Elvis lip gene. I have the ability to do a great Elvis lip. But neither Ty nor Taryn can do it. While thumbing through my memory card this afternoon, I stumbled upon this!!!!
Teagan got the gene….way to go buddy!!! Me and you have lots of fun times ahead sporting our Elvis lip to the rest of family while giggling that they can’t do it! Trust me, it’s fun stuff watching them all contort their faces and then stomp their feet in despair.
Be sure to check in tomorrow for pics of Teagans baby book I had printed as a coffee table book. Volume 1, 0-3 Months =)
OMG…that is so cute!!!
Love it!
That is soooo cute!!! Can’t wait to see the book.
Ha! That is hysterical!
That’s so cute!!!! Can’t wait to see the coffee table book! 🙂