it feels like yesterday and it feels like a million years ago all at the same time. here she is….all brand new….
6 months old….
one year….
and today, at four….
Taryn, you came into this world in your own way. You waited, and waited, and then when you were ready, there you were, screaming your bald little head off. You are still slow to warm, yet confident, independant, shy, silly, loud. You bring your dad and I so much joy. So much laughter. There are days you are fearful of the little things in life, and there are days I think you could conquer the world if given the chance. I love the way your little hand fits into mine still today. I love the way your hair feels when I brush it out of your eyes. I love the way you snuggle with me throughout the day. I love that you sleep in the weirdest of places. I love the way you cackle when you laugh. The little sparkle in your eye that makes me smile and afraid at the same time. You give your dad and I a run for our money, you keep us on our toes, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You are bright and smart and you love animals more than anything else in this world. I think you’d bring home one of everything if we let you. You are my worrier. You are curious and ask questions all day long. You are sneaky. You are still afraid of the vacuum cleaner. And the happy birthday song. Your favorite color is pink, but you are not a frilly girl. Your favorite shoes in the world are your pink chucks and your favorite book is the belly button book. And of course, Fancy Nancy. You love Lily and talk about her every single day. You are on the verge of giving up naps, even though you still need them. You love school and your teacher and your friends so much, even though you cover your eyes in panic every morning walking through the classroom door. You love the slide the most and were so proud to show me last week how you could climb the rock wall all by yourself. You are the most sensitive of my children, your feelings hurt easily. And you are the first one to notice if someone elses feelings are hurt, and offer some love. You are kind, and thoughful and filled with life. There are nights after the house is quiet with sleeping children that your daddy and I sit and smile with one another. We marvel over our days with you. You are that wonderful. You are that loved.
Happy Birthday sweet girl. We love you.
Beautifully written – Happy Birthday, Taryn!
This made me cry! You have such a way with words Lynds. I’m so thankful I got to spend one afternoon with Taryn, and I think I would love to spend many more just to see what she would do 🙂
Happy Birthday Taryn!!
Aww too sweet. Time flies doesn’t it. Hey Taryn and Luna are just a week apart 🙂
I was sure a post like this was coming today and I have been waiting and waiting and waiting. Even though I know I was loved by my parents, I grew up in a long ago time before blogging. Someday your children will be able to read all about their childhood and see and feel the love that grows and grows within your family. No birthday gift could ever be more precious than this post and knowing that someday Taryn will sit reading this, perhaps with her own children, about the time long ago when she was a little girl. Lyndsay, you are my most precious gift, and the fabulous grandchildren you have given me bring me more joy than I could ever imagine. Happy Birthday, my sweet T, you will be even more fabulous as 4 than you were at 3!!
so touching. the six month picture is my favorite! so cute! Happy Birthday little T
Oh how I love the pictures and what you always write about your kids. Its so heartbreaking and sweet.
i dont know ANY of you… and i am crying… LOVE it.
You have a knack for writing, as well as photography! That made me tear up a little and I don’t even know you and your family 🙂 I love reading your blog.
Aww, that brought tears to my eyes! Happy Birthday Taryn!
Happy Birthday, Taryn!! I can’t wait to see what sass & spunk you bring us over the next year. I’ve seen you grow up only online, but thanks to your mom it seems like your house in TX is right down the street from ours in PA. What a cutie you are. Enjoy your special day!
Can’t believe she’s 4 already, even though my son is just a few months behind her so I have lived it too. lol. Happy Birthday Taryn!!
Happy Bday Taryn!! geez.. Four already??? I remember so vividly when she was born… your little hawaiian honeymoon souvenir!!
Happy Birthday, Taryn!!
…and look how little Ty is! Holy geez.
happy day!
Happy Birthday Taryn!!!!
yeah taryn! happy birthday!!!
kids are great aren’t they??
Happy Birthday Taryn!!
I hope you know how absolutely wonderful you are for giving this gift to your children. For giving them the gift of your love-filled words. It’s so beautiful and they are so blessed. Happy Birthday Taryn! God bless you in your new year!
Happy 4th birthday, Taryn!! Wow. Can’t believe she’s four.
Happy Birthday Taryn!
Aw, that is so sweet. Your baby girl and my baby girl share the same birthday. My Karleigh Elizabeth turned four yesterday as well. And my other daughter, my other baby girl, turned three on the 19th (Sunday) of this month. They really do grow so fast and I try my hardest to enjoy every minute of it. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.