Compliments of Ty. I made he and I a late breakfast this morning after everyone else had eaten. I walked away to check on something and when I came back, I found a little happy in my bowl…
A little history….my mom gave us the wonderful gift of maid service for 3 months after the baby was born (uh, best gift EVER!). They stopped coming a few weeks ago and I must have mentioned a few times how much I miss our maids because Ty proposed to my mom that he give up one of his birthday gifts this year if we could re-hire the maids. How thoughtful and kind is he?!? I just love him.
It’s a good thing he has this thoughtful and kind heart, because he’s also got an ornery, been misbehaving at school side that has been rearing its ugly head a lot lately. After the week he had, this Momma needed a little happy.
How cute is that.. Seems as if someone is makin’ up to his mom =) The idea of giving up a b-day gift is REALLY makin’ up to mom though.. lol
That is TOO cute! It kinda makes me want to have kids….kinda.