I’ve been missing the concept of my initial journey of blogging, a photo a day. I even thought about doing a separate photo only daily blog, but, (((and feel free to roll your eyes here remember my much failed attempt at 52 weeks with my kids and me))) that is what this blog is supposed to be. And I love having it all in one place. So, get ready. More snapshots, more daily stuff, more of just us being us, a photo a day, or, at least, my best shot at it.
To kick it off…..my little man sacked out. I love that he still sleeps like this, even 11 months later. He usually stays up after nursing first thing in the morning, but not this time. His monkey, lion, alligator jammies are my fave.
what an angel
you know what. Later when he will have a girlfriend (I know it hurts, but he will have one, because he is just so cute), she will love how he looked as a baby. so fun to think about.
I just love everything about this photo! He looks so sweet.
I’m almost 32 and I still sleep with my arms over my head! We have pictures of me doing it a baby…I wonder if my future children will do it too!
Wow! I can’t believe he’s 11 months old already…..