this week has been a rough one. all 3 kids seem to be tired, cranky, high maintenance, or at least, more so than usual. taryn especially. it’s been bad. really bad. she’s pulled everything to banging on the walls at naptime to throwing books, jumping off the furniture, screaming as loud as she can over every.little.thing. meltdowns gallore. flat out refuses to eat. cannot sit still, which is really, really not like her. i actually sat in our bedroom for a few minutes before jason left this morning and just cried. knowing what was coming during the day. and it did. just totally overwhelmed. and then jase had a lightbulb moment after my 3rd email about our day and discipline and wondering what in the world I’m doing wrong here. her meds. her doctor put her on some meds recently to help deal with her sleep apnea, her adenoids and swollen tonsils. i don’t know if that has anything to do with what has been going on with her, but something has to give before we all loose our minds. as i type this, i’m hiding away for a few moments while jase bathes taryn and then she’s going straight to bed after throwing pizza across the dining room at dinner. is it totally wrong to want to hide until it’s quiet in the house? please tell me other moms have days like this too, not that i would wish it on anyone.
anyway, as a result of our crazy week thus far, i haven’t kept good on my promise of photographing my own children. someone commented earlier though about wanting to see teagan in his new bed. so when i finally took down the crib this morning ( 🙁 ) i snapped a few of him in his bed. he really does love it. we bought it from IKEA and ended up chopping the legs off of it so it would be closer to the ground. i think he’s pretty cute in his little boy bed with his pillow and favorite blankie….
alright, taryn came in to say goodnight. we talked about why she is being sent to bed early, making good choices, consequences and being kind to others. she then informed me she’s going to be bad tomorrow but will be good on tuesday. of course tuesday just so happens to be her birthday. lord help me.
Stay strong 🙂
Oh girl, I’m sorry it’s been one of those days. We have them here too. More often than I’d care to admit. 😉
Oh Lyndsay!! I have a 4 going on 16 year old so i can totally relate! just love how she’ll be good on her birthday, smart little cookies arent they 🙂
Oh my, she is too MUCH! Good thought to check about the meds. Good luck!
so sorry, and yes, I have totally hidden in my room or somewhere when I cannot take it anymore.
I can totally relate to having rough days. Seems like we have 2 bad ones…one good one….one bad one…one good one…etc. 🙁
same boat as you…with lots of tears on my part and josie’s. Jim got home tonight so he’s on Josie duty I wonder if it’s the hot weather…Good luck to you; I hope you are enjoying a nice glass of wine tonight.
Delurking to say that yes, medication can TOTALLY do that to a kid. Hang in there. You’re an inspiration to me.
Yep…right there with you Lindsay. I’ve been taking a beating this week too and at times feel like a failure as a parent. Hang in there ((hugs))
thinking about ya and hoping that tomorrow is a better day.
Awww, Lyndsay, he is getting so big! Glad he’s liking the new bed – gives me courage to just make it happen with Colton. Good luck with Taryn, tomorrow. Hope she takes it easy on you.
Thank you! Although I am sorry that you are having a bad week, I thank you for your honesty. I too have had a rough week with my daughter, who recently turned 5 and reading your entry is hitting home. Not sure how we make it through the day but I commend you for making it. Thank you for not sugar coating your days at home with the kids. My kids are the exact same ages as your 3 and I find comfort in reading your blog. I have never posted a comment but your week especially today was to spot on with mine and I had to tell you…Thank you!
I think we all have kids who have days like this. Luckily you have 2 boys who apparently are angels.
I have a girl who throws major tantrums at the smallest of things and she’s only 21 months old – here’s a quick 20 second video for proof!
I apparently have no idea what I’m in for!
BTW, I’m so impressed you made the move to the big boy bed. I haven’t had the courage. I must have missed why you decided to get rid of the crib. Kate hasn’t tried to get out yet, so I haven’t been motivated at all!
My son had his adenoids and tonsils removed due to being enlarged and causing sleep apnea. it changed him! seriously. he used to wake up so grumpy. he was cranky, miserable, hungry, etc. once we had those removed, i swear he was a different kid. our dr. said that due to them being enlarged it was causing him not to sleep well and so when he woke up he was cranky from not getting adequate sleep. he had them removed when he was 18 months.
good luck!!
Lyndsay, I am so sorry that you have had such a rough week. Hugs! I definitely can relate. With a two year old and a four month old, we definitely have our crazy days. My son was on asthma meds that made him like that, too. It is so sad to see our children act like that, but it is so frustrating, too! Hang in there and know you are not alone! In the meantime, make the most of what little alone time I am sure you have by taking bubble baths, eating chocolate and drinking heavily! Ha-ha!! Only partly kidding about that last one…
Hang in there! We definitely have our moments, and they make me want to go back to the classroom earlier than August (of course that feeling doesn’t last very long!!!) Maybe it is the meds, and she’ll be back to herself soon! Hoping tomorrow is better at your house!
Bless your heart! I only have one kiddo and the days like the ones you described here are even hard for me. Tuesday can’t come soon enough for you!
Of course you’re not alone! The only difference for me is that I only have one kid to contend with (at least for a couple more days), not three! I would definitely ask the doctor about her medicine, though. My daughter has asthma, and some of the meds she is on for that make her CRAZY, too. Totally not herself, and I usually feel the same way you do at the end of the day. It is hard to get so upset with her behavior when it doesn’t even seem like it’s her I’m getting mad at. Best of luck! I hope the weekend is better!
*big hugs* hope today is much better.
Well, at least she gave you a warning. Hang in there.
Lynds, you just made me feel better with your post. Don’t take that the wrong way. I am so sorry your week has been horrible. But, mine has too. My 4 year old daughter has been a total mess as well. At times, I feel like the meanest mommy in the world because I feel like I am always yelling at her. But, I see I am not alone. We all have crazy kiddo days. Here is a big **hug** for you and know that you are not alone. We are all doing the best we can. Love ya!
we have the same issue with Cameron when he goes on his nebulizer. next time he needs meds from it, i am insisting the dr change it. he is just OFF THE WALL. hang in there Lyndsay…your super mom compared to me 🙂
If she’s on any steroids I’d call your dr! Sometimes kids and elderly ppl have bad reactions to them. Breathing treatments can make kids hyper as all get out… Good luck hope your weekend is better:)
Just know that you are not alone!! I have those days EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. However, most of it has to do with Jayden’s autism so I am trying to deal with it as well as I can. But oh boy do I run and hide. Today I’m going to get my hair done just to get away. My hair is pretty low maintenance and I can certainly do it myself, but just to get away, I’ll pay someone to do it! Sometimes when Mike gets home, I just go to my room and shut the door. I cry. It happens. And I totally understand the part about wondering what YOU did wrong. I question myself all of the time. If this is just not like Taryn, I think you should consider having her adenoids removed and foregoing the meds. (((HUGS)))
hope you got my email— you are welcome to join me in my quiet, padded, margarita machine equipped room. 🙂
Yup, I have those days….we’re only human….you’re a great mom & your blog is very inspiring..I just love reading it.
I’m so sorry you’re having one of those weeks. On days like that, I like to hide in the closet with my laptop … I just ignore the cries of ‘mommy! where are you’. Hope tomorrow is better.
Oh, I’m sorry! I hope your week gets better. 🙂 It must be something in the water, because my daughter has been horrible this last week and I’ve been going crazy! I also spent a few moments crying thinking is this every going to get better?
Oh I feel ya! Our son is just a few months younger than Taryn and some days I DO hide! I can really relate with dealing with their need to destroy things. DS tosses his books, toys, etc. all over his room and usually after I just straightened up. It’s exhausting! He knows it’s naughty, but does it anyway. Many days I feel like I’m going one step forward and two steps back. The good days come but they go too and there just isn’t enough of them. You try so hard to embrace their age because they grow so fast, but it’s tough on days like this. Hang in there…judging by all the comments, you are definitely NOT alone! 🙂