So I’ve been waiting to see how Teagan does in school to do this and I have great news – he’s doing AWESOME! He loves it so much. There are many blessings to having 2 days a week where all 3 of my children are in school and one of them is that I’ll be able to take on a few more sessions this fall. I’m opening up 6 new sessions between now and November. A few mini sessions and a few signature sessions – all are sure to go quick – if you think you might want one just drop me an email at and I’ll send you all the details!
And since I can’t post without a photo….Miss Izzy. Can you even believe how big she is?! Yeah, she’s grown quite a bit since I last saw her, you know, at her birth 😉 And she’s quite the poser, even with being a photographers child, not an sign of PCS at all.
ps – The location directly across the street from where this photo was taken, has sadly, been damaged by the Texas wildfires that have ravaged our area recently. While we are thankful to still have our health and our home, many of those around us are not so fortunate. If you’d like to help the many families suffering here in Texas, this is a great way you can help. It’s been an overwhelming and scary week, to say the least. And unfortunately, it’s not over yet. Fires have been popping up daily, some way too close to us for our comfort level. Hopefully, this nightmare will be over soon.
I know she is mine and all, but that is ridiculously cute. There is so much of her little personality captured in this picture. I LOVE it! Thanks so much…now stop teasing me – I want to see the rest. Practically counting the minutes until next Friday.
What a cutie….with fabulous hair!!
She really is georgeous and looks like double trouble.