1. I feel like I’ve been living in a box tethered to my computer for the last month. This past weekend cured that. And I needed it more than even I realized. I’ve been chasing kids all day then logging on and working 12 hours. It’s catching up with me fast. Friday Jason’s parents came for a visit because they had a wedding to attend out on Lake Travis. It was perfect timing too because they were able to keep the kids Friday night while Jason and I went to see Conan O’Brien live in Austin. And while our seats suuuuuuucked, the show and Conan were ah-ma-zing. Seriously loved him, he was hilarious. My favorite part is that the show wasn’t a carbon copy he takes to every city, there were so many jokes about Austin, UT, and Texas in general. He knocked it out of the park and even though our seats were awful, we are so glad that we went! And the kids had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa. They brought the kids a buzz lightyear water slide and I’ll have photos and video to share of that soon!
2. Both of my sessions on Saturday got rescheduled so we gathered everyone up and went out to the Cedar Park Farmer’s Market again. We love that place and this week we were there for the live music, so fun! Afterwards, my in-laws wanted to hit IKEA, they’d never been before (I didn’t realize that!!).
3. Sunday I had a session in the morning downtown and then decided to hit the craft fair at the Palmer Event Center before heading home. I’m so glad I did, it was just what I needed, a little me time! I learned that craft fairs in Austin are very different than craft fairs in South Louisiana. 😉
4. I found some really cool stuff. Like THESE (I’m trying to decide between the rocket for Teagan room or the old TV for the playroom) I bought three of these binders and plan on special ordering a few more things in papers that match my branding for Life in Motion. I love that they are refillable and more green that what I am using now for todo lists, notes, etc. I can also throw the small ones in my purse with stickers / crayons to keep the kids happy when we are out and about! This seller is also amazing. Her vintage board game pieces are so cool!
5. Holy crap is this article eye opening. Wow. Over 50 chemicals on my strawberries. Gag.
6. iphone pics early this morning:
7. I dug out the water table this morning and the kids played for an entire hour, quiet, calm and happy. Then an all out smack down fight over it went down. In the end, Teagan ‘won’ the fight and Taryn turned around, arms crossed, glared and said “You are a sad, strange little man” a la buzz lightyear. I wish I had it on video, it was awesome.
8. Taryn learned how to hula hoop at school yesterday. Don’t you know that I was up and out of the house on my one and only day of the week I don’t HAVE to cart kids all over God’s creation because she just knew she saw hula hoops at HEB. An hour and $10 later we are now the proud owners of 2 shiny hula hoops. One for her and one for Teagan. Even though he’s too young, I just couldn’t face the sharing battles that would be inevitable with only one hula hoop. See #7!
9. I am super excited that next week I will be going in to do a little day in the life type session in Taryn’s pre-k class. She will still be going during the summer but many of the kids will change. I want to capture this amazing class and her wonderful teachers, they have done so many wonderful things for her this year. I’m excited to give her teachers some photos of themselves doing what they love and are oh so good at. When I talked to Taryn about it and told her she should just pretend I’m not there that day, she pipes up with a “Oh I’m GOOD at ignoring your camera Mommy, I can do that!” with a big smile. Yes, you little turd, you are indeed.
10. I am going to see Babies tonight with the girls. So excited!! Did you see it? Love it??
Hey Lyndsay!
Loved this ten. I took the kiddos to see Babies on Mother’s Day and we had a lot of fun. It has quite a bit of nudity (mainly nursing) which was fine for us. Sarah has certainly seen it before and Ephraim is too young to care. Just thought I’d throw it out there though so you can prepare your kids if any of them are going! It was super cute.
Just an FYI – I saw small hula hoops at Target yesterday. (The Target in 1890’s ranch.) Not sure if the HEB hula hoops are little but it seems most of the ones I was seeing everywhere were giant. These were little people sizes for sure – something my 2 & 1/2 year old might actually be able to do. 😉 They were in the back in the area between the gardening stuff and the milk. Love your work!!