…when one of the first things you do after getting out of bed is pull underwear out of a bowl of cereal.

No kidding.

After Jason and Ty left for work and school this morning I walked into the kitchen to fix Taryn breakfast.  Imagine my complete and total bewilderment when I spotted a bowl with underwear in it sitting on the counter.  Confused and not totally awake yet, I realize that the bowl is half filled with cereal, half filled with Ty’s undies.  My first thought…."what the heck do they do in the mornings?!?!"  My second instinct was to gag, thanks to the never ending bout of all day morning sickness, the sight grossed me out, bad.  One very odd telephone call to Jason later, I realized there must have been some sort of folded clothes throwing war.  I don’t think I want to know, and honestly, I just decided to be glad they weren’t my undies.

And I guess I’m due for a little baby update huh?!  Hard to believe we’re almost half way there!  17 weeks and still sick.  I know it’s for a good cause but man is it old.  Lots of movement, which I love!  We haven’t bought a thing (except for the really ugly gender neutral outfit Jase brought home to convince me to find out the gender of this baby – "see honey, you’ll be subjected to "this" if we don’t find out!".  It worked, we plan to find out the sex of the baby, mostly because with all the other changes I think it will help Ty and Taryn be prepared and adjust.  Plus, I’m just plain curious.  I have boy dreams every night (and good gosh are pg dreams vivid!).  But I’m carrying like I did with Taryn.  I’m craving the same things I did with Ty and with Taryn so no clues there, but I can’t stand chocolate or ice cream….that’s just wrong.  I blame that on Jase, he doesn’t have a sweet tooth and I’m being subjected to that gene.  I could drink salsa by the gallon.  Last weekend we went to a fair and all we bought was $40 worth of pickles.  Yum.  If you’ve never had a Mickles Pickle, you haven’t lived.  Seriously.  Pregnant or not, a Mickles Pickle does things to a sandwich that I just can’t describe.

Move update…..We have a big portable storage unit in the front yard that has been empty all week long.  Mostly because we haven’t bothered to start packing.  We really do need to start, our move is only a few weeks away.  It’s just hard to know where to start.  Our plan is to pack the attic and garage in the POD and then go from there….it’s sneaking up on us…fast.

And Ty…he gave us a scare this week.  He had a large number of bad nose bleeds in a short time frame.  We’ve been to the doctor, and while my mommy instinct says we didn’t get the right (or maybe just the full) answer, he’s doing much, much better and the bleeding has stopped.   I’m so thankful for that.  It was scary.  We’re still keeping a close eye on him.

And what’s a post without a pic?  I was digging through some oldies but goodies today cleaning up my hard drive for the first time in awhile when I came across this.  Look how little Taryn is!  Gosh it seems like a million years ago….


And now she’s a big girl, a 2 year old ball of cute and feisty all rolled into one.  She tells me the other day, "Mommy, your little monkey grows bigger and bigger EVERY DAY!"  Yes, she does.