I’m not sure, but I wasn’t looking. It sneaks up on you, because I’d swear just yesterday he was a tiny baby, cuddled in my arms, just like Teagan. Then WHAM-O, he’s 11. Without a doubt, he makes me feel old. Can’t wait for his party!
Ok, I gotta tell you guys about taking these pics. I decided early yesterday morning was a good time to go and we’d likely have the pool to ourselves. So Ty and I head down to the pool by ourselves and I’m taking a few shots. I couldn’t get close enough to him for the splash shotin the great big pool with my 24-70 mm zoom, so even though I’m fully dressed, I wade in a bit to try and get closer (the pool slopes for the kiddies). Let’s just say by the time we were done, I was soaked. No towel, had to drive home dripping. Thankfully I don’t think anyone saw the crazy lady, fully dressed, in the pool, with her camera. HA!
You think it makes YOU feel old!! It seems like just last weekend that YOU were 11! I love watching you be a Mom….you do it so well! ..I bet Ty thought you were a “cool” Mom!
Lyndsay – those pictures are awesome. Was it your 11th birthday that your mom did that surprise party for you? Neither one of us knew about it and we skated onto your back porch with people yelling “SURPRISE!” We are lucky we didn’t skate right off the porch! LOL!
Heather I think we must have been 7 or so?! Maybe my mom remembers?! Wasn’t that the party where she did a big spider web all over the yard with yarn and there were prizes at the end? We had to be younger than 11 because we moved to Louisiana when I was 11 or 12!
I remember that day though…they didn’t tell you about the party cause they knew you’d tell me. Inseparable!
I LOVE it!! You’re so darn creative. 🙂
Oh duh…of course we were younger 😉 Yep, I remember that. It was the year of the spider web. That was so much fun!
watch out Lyndsay I think he is going to be a girl magnet!