Thank you all so much for the well wishes, comments and emails! Yesterday was a lot of fun. Before we left the house I told Taryn we were going to see the pictures of the baby in my belly. She ran up to me, lifted my shirt and said "look through da belly button?" =)
Honestly, we all thought our baby was a girl, so we’re still in a bit of shock! I was worried about the tech letting us all in the room but she did. And I’m so glad my mom got to be there with us too. The ultrasound tech did all her normal measurements and everything looks good and healthy, due date is right on track. Then she asked if we wanted to know the gender and we said yes. She turned to Ty and asked if he thought the baby was a boy or a girl…he said girl…she asked him if he wanted a brother or a sister…he said brother. She moved the wand over my belly just a little and said "you’re getting a BROTHER!" Very exciting and I think the rest of us had to pick our jaws up off the floor!! A few minutes later she went back down to that area again and his little hand was down there, she said "yup, it’s a boy" LOL….like he was pointing saying "look what I got!!" LOL! Ty was beyond thrilled and I promised him he could announce it on the blog, hence the silly video below, he got the giggles and every ounce of true cooperation went right out the window π
After the ultrasound we went out to Copeland’s (yum) to celebrate and had a great time. It was fun to make phone calls and tell everyone. Good, good day. I’m still really sick, even with the Zofran, but I had one good day last week where I wasn’t sick and had tons of energy. This gives me hope that there is another good day out there that might come my way soon. One day in 18 weeks isn’t a lot, but it gives me hope!
We haven’t decided on any names yet. Boy names are hard for us, and it’s not something we agree on at all. It will probably be one of those last minute things since we can’t agree. Taryn is still campaigning for "Living Room" though…so funny.
Thanks again for all the well wishes….you guys sent my blog stats crazy yesterday with over 1,400 hits waiting on the results!! Refresh Refresh π
AW! Congrats! Your blog’s the first stop I made today. π My new theory? If you have trouble coming up with boy names, you get a boy. If you have trouble with girl names, you get a girl. Living Room might sound pretty good in the end… π
Maybe the new baby could have the initials LR for Taryn???
Maybe the new baby could have the initials LR for Taryn???
YAY! Congratulations!!! ygm.
Good luck on names! Do you want this baby’s name to start with “T” too?
So sorry you have to take Zofran to feel better. I had to take it till around week 14 but then I had a turn for the better. When are due exactly? I’m due March 5th with Baby #2. But we wont find out the sex until next week. Hope you start feeling better soon!
Congrats! so Exciting!