I hate that word.  Hate it.  This past week has been very difficult for Teagan but the last three days have been downright horrible.  He’s regressed in ways that make our hearts panic.  The last two days have been filled with Dr. appoints, phone consults, research and blood work.  I am posting to ask for your prayers for our little guy, clarity for his medical team and positive thoughts for our entire family.

Thankfully I’m pretty sure that even with everything going on here at home, I have busy season under control unless something major happens.  I am a bit behind on email from the last couple of days and will make every effort to catch up on it tonight after the kids are in bed.  All clients that have pending galleries or orders will have an update in your inbox from me tonight!  You will have your photos on time as promised!!

Blogging, both here and on our personal blog, will have to take a back seat while we put our focus elsewhere.