Just like that, four days buzzed right by, and she’s gone. For the rest of the day today, we’ll all four mope around and be sad, but tomorrow we start counting down to the next visit. We had a great time, we played and talked and read books and went to the park and played some more. I think the hardest part of saying goodbye today was knowing the next time I see her, I’ll be the mother of three, and that event will happen without her by my side.
I took soooooo many pictures over the last week, our Christmas Eve and morning with Jason’s side of the family and then a ton more once my mom arrived. I’ll start posting some of them tomorrow. It was such a fun Christmas with Little T, she was a blast, and Ty had a ton of fun this year too! And our house feels a little more like a home now that we have a few warm memories to help fill it.
It was a wonderful visit! I loved having the kids wake me up and crawl in bed every morning, reading the same book over and over, “wii boxing” with Ty, and I waited and waited and waited with my hand on Lyndsay’s belly waiting for that baby to move…nope, never felt it – that stubborn little guy!! It was hard to come home – things did not go well in my absence — I’m missing you all so much tonite! Thanks, Jason, for hooking up the webcams – that will help til I get to come back and meet my new grandson!! I love you all!