Again. Jonah broke his left arm. While sitting down, no less. Zachary tried to climb in a chair with him and it toppled over. Jonah’s arm snapped in the same spot he broke it in Acadia 5 months ago. Jason was home alone with the kids and I was on my way to shoot a session. He called and I quickly turned around. After our last experience we went straight to Children’s. It was…..ok. Not great but he’s ok and the reduction was successful. He is in a big plaster cast for awhile, then he will move to fiberglass as some point. Total cast time will be at least 3 months this time. If he breaks it a 3rd time they already warned it’ll need surgical pins placed. Praying that does not happen. He was so brave during the sedation and reduction. He said he dreamed about Niagara Falls 🥰 This sucks so bad for him and I can’t believe we are doing this all over again. He’s having more pain this time, please pray for him.
365: Again
Lyndsay Stradtner2020-01-20T22:51:49-06:00January 13th, 2020|365 Projects, 366 - 2020, Jonah, My Family|
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