you guys are rocking the comments for 10 on Tuesday!! I’m so excited so many people came out of lurkdom to comment!! I’m loving all the advice on cloth diapering and put the bug in Jason’s ear about it. I must also say it totally makes me giggle to hear my mother-in-law talk about my husband’s baby hiney!! Yeah, if you didn’t read the comments to the post below before, I bet you’ll click on it now! HAHA! Seriously though, thanks for all the great ideas and advice (please keep them coming!).
All these new comments and lurkers coming out of hiding makes me wonder who has been with us the longest here on the blog. Does anyone remember my blogger days, or even further back, my old old old blog on .mac? Yeah, you’d be a real old timer then!
While I’m here, check out Teagan, yet another image for the crib series…big boy sittin up in his crib, peeking over the edge…funny face and all.
I need to stop proofing images of him at night, it makes me wonna go wake him up!
I remember, I remember! I remember back to the wedding site! I was in such awe of you then, and it just continues!
I really do hope that Teagan’s little bum gets better.
Love ya.
So cute of Teagan! Okay, must say that I started reading when you had your blog on .mac It was the first blog I started to follow. So I’ve been with ya a loooong time (don’t comment a whole lot, but I’m branching out and trying to comment on blogs more often now) Thanks for sharing your life with us all! 🙂
I think I might be one of your oldest readers because I definitely remember your .mac days.
sigh, the internet has come a long way…
I’ve been with you a long stinkin’ time! The DW board, the baby board, the parenting board, and yes, your Mac blog!!!
oooh…ME ME ME! I remember your old mac blog. =)
I’ve been following your story since you were planning your wedding on the knot. So of course I remember your old .mac and blogger days. My daughter was born just a few days after T so I’ve always loved to read about your family. Hope Teagan is doing better!
I’ve only been reading your blog for a few months before Teagan was born but I’ve checked it everyday since. I love all your stories and your great sense of humor!!
I’ve been following your blog and nest bios a LONG time – since Taryn was a baby. I came across your bio on the nest when I was pregnant in early 2006 and looking for nursery inspiration. The pink and green nursery you had done for Taryn was my favorite, and I had bookmarked your bio. Then you started posting more (from what I recall) and talking about getting into photography (which I was starting to be more interested in too, since we had just bought a Digital Rebel), and I thought the pictures of Taryn in your bio were so cute, so I just kept following your bio updates.
Then I came across your SurvivinKatrina bio and I thought your whole story about surviving and rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina was captivating. I don’t remember when I found your blog, but I did read your blog entries on the .mac site.
I have a daughter a few months younger than Taryn and now have a son a month younger than Teagan, plus I’m interested in photography (but nowhere near as advanced or talented as you), I am always interested to see how you are all doing. I love following your blog and reading your stories and seeing your beautiful photos!
I found a post on BOTB, someone wondering if you were okay days after Katrina. From then on, I have followed your (numerous) blogs and your pictures. They move me 🙂
I love reading about your family and how you picked up the pieces and made the best of everything.