Hi everyone! Thanks for following me through my move and for all your votes, feedback and thoughts on how to handle the move. As you can see, I’ve opted to keep my business and personal blog all mixed in to one. It would have been difficult for me to separate it all out, my work is intertwined, one depends on the other, and I’m so glad that almost 80% of you guys feel the same way!
A couple of things to note…..
- My archives are here – yeehaw! (My Texas born and raised husband would be so proud over my use of that!)
- If you go up to the “Links” tab above, you’ll see a lot of my old content from my other blog that once resided on the sidebar. I’ve included a few new things too, so check it out!
- I’ve reorganized the categories a bit. I still may adjust them some depending on how things go. But if you are looking for one of the old categories like lens used and that sort of thing, good news, they are still here, just in the form of a tag. Just do a search at the top of the page for the old category you are looking for and everything will pop up. Or if you want to see everything Teagan related, search Teagan and all posts involving him are tagged. Pretty cool huh?
Oh yeah, starting with this post…the images are gonna be BIG!! Yeah buddy!
So welcome to my new blog, it’s nice to have ya here! I hope that you’ll introduce yourself by commenting (yes, this means you too lurkers!), I’d love to get to know my readers a little better! If you have a blog, I’d love it if you would post a link, I’m searching for some new blogs to read and I’d love to check yours out!
Riika from Finland is enjoying your wonderful images!
Hey Lyndsay!!!
I made it over but and I LOVE the new blog…especially the rotating banner! Can’t wait to continue to read about your family…off the update my bookmark/link! Great Job!
Lyndsay, Congrats! It’s beautiful! Looking forward to seeing your amazing work BIG & bold! Thanks for inviting us to continue on your journey! As a mom of a 2 1/2 yr. old girl, I enjoy reading your little T stories … seeing what’s new and next for me! Thanks, too, for being so open and sharing! Best wishes to you! Heather from Ohio
Hi, I’ve been a viewer for awhile now – got hooked through Amber Hope (fellow-mom at grade school). Love, Love, Love your new web site. Having put together a web site for our elementary school PTO several years back – I can appreciate the considerable amount work you put into this publication. Excellent Job! I have also thoroughly enjoyed and envied your photography as well as following the trials, tribulations and growth of your beautiful family. Thank you for sharing.
LOVE it Lyndsay!
I’m so happy you kept the personal and business together because I love seeing images of not just your “work” but your life.
The banner ROCKS!
It looks wonderful! I love the banner and the larger images.
Congratulations Lyndsay on your new blog! I really love it!
Beautiful new blog, Lyndsay! I’m a lurker… love reading your blog and checking out your gorgeous photos!!
Lurker coming out to say that the new blog looks great! I love the banner too!
Love it Lyndsay!
You can check out our family blog. I can’t promise that it will always be entertaining and i am no photographer, but if you are interested you can check it out. http://www.cruzfamfun.blogspot.com
hey Lyndsay – Lurker here too, but wanted to say LOVE the new blog! I’m glad you decided to keep the business and personal sides together. I have a 2.5 year old girl and really get a kick out of reading the adventures of little T! 🙂
Hey Lyndsay! A fellow Austin Nestie here….I’m in love with your blog & your photography. I don’t have any kiddos (yet), but you’ve inspired me! I know when my time comes I, too, can have it all! Love the new blog/format and can’t wait to see the HUGE pictures! =)
Lynds this is awesome! I don’t have time to look around yet, I am already late for work, but wanted to say how awesome it is!
Love ya. Heather
HI Lyndsey, LOVE The new Blog. Glad you kept it together. My name is Nicole, I don’t remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but I’m glad I did. I only wish I lived in your state so you could take pics for me!! Ever coming to OHIO??
Love the new blog! I just updated my reader with it.
~Lurker Jess
This is so funny! I actually found this last night while looking to fill in my “favorites” on my new computer. I googled your site and wound up here….I was so confused, lol:) Glad to see I wasn’t just really lost (I’m on Vista now instead of XP). I like the site and hope it works out well for you! Now, to bookmark it and not screw something up….;)
It looks beautiful! And I love the BIG pics 🙂 Just awesome.
I just love the new website and really love the big photos. Wonderful update and I’m so glad you kept the blogs together. 🙂
Holy cow, this is gorgeous! I love this new look for your blog. Totally worth it! Way to go Lyndsay! 🙂
LOVE the new blog, Lyndsay. It looks amazing. I especially love the flashing words at the top. Nice job.
It’s a thing of beauty. Love how the colors work with the business side, love the rotating banner, love the big photos. Great work!!!
PS- I’m so glad you’re keeping it together.
Congrats on the new blog! It looks great. I am loving the mohawk on baby T.
I do have a blog but it’s EMS related so it’s not for the faint of heart lol
Coming out of lurking to say congrats on the new blog!
Hi Lyndsay,
Your new blog looks great!! It’s been a while since we’ve talked, but hope you guys are doing well.
The new site is great. So glad you were able to transfer everything over.
love it! this is so great!! 🙂 long time reader/lurker from the photoboard..
It’s beautiful…I love it!!
Long time lurker:) I’m kassi, and I’m still waiting on my husband to stinkin’ put on his uniform so I can imitate that other picture. Dorkus. LOL. One of these days I WILL get that picture, gosh darnit!
Luker here- Love the new blog! Makes me want to learn how to take great pics too.
I just love your new blog.
Becky R. Slidell, LA
Aloha from Oahu (did you know you had a fan so far away?!) I’ve been a lurker since hearing your Katrina story on thenest. Seeing your beautiful photos and reading your stories is often one of the highlights of my day. I keep telling my husband that when we have kids, we have to visit you in Austin for photos.
Congratulations Lindsay, the site looks great. I love the BIG pictures.
Yes, I am a lurker, I like to stop by and read your blog and see all those beautiful pics that you take. I really like your work, it is inspiring.
I am not a photographer (not even close) but I like/love to take lots of pictures of my daughters and family and documented in our family blog. Here is if you want to check it out: http://www.valeriaceballos.blogspot.com (it is bilingual)
once again, congratulations I think it is better that you kept the site together (feels more personal)
Good luck.
Love, love, love the new blog! It’s beautiful. I have been following your life and your photography on your blog(s)for years now. In fact, I had one of your first posts on 2peas bookmarked (Taryn on the bed with a funny pink hat on), and your work has been one of my biggest inspirations. Thank you for all of your stories and all of the help you have given to aspiring photographers like me. I can only hope to be as talented as you one day.
Looks beautiful….I’ve lurked forever and your blogs get more amazing & enjoyable each time you move them. Looking forward to continuing to follow both you, your business, and your beautiful family. Kindest regards! Kat
i’m a lurker – you caught me, i hate when that happens. i love your blog. you crack me up 99.9% of the time. except that lightening thing – that was horrible. are you ok from that? i don’t have a blog – seems like a lot of work for lazy ol’ me. i’m a SAHM of 4 1/2 yr old boy/girl twins. i’m studying to become a photographer and trying to learn photoshop. dang that’s hard! that’s my life in a nutshell. oh by the way, my daughter’s name is lyndsey but with an “e” not an “a” but pretty darn close. so i love your name for obvious reasons. and new blog home is beautiful.
Love it! Here from Ontario, Canada. I’ve been reading for a while and will continue, that’s for sure!
I am loving your new blog! Your work is just amazing!
Beautiful site! Love the new banners!
Congrats on the new blog and it’s wonderful you were able to carry everything over. I’m glad to see you decided to keep everything together too… 🙂
Love the new blog. Eventually going to have to make the jump myself I think. I’m one of the 80% who voted to keep personal and professional stuff together. I love reading your blog and visit every single day. Your kids are great and you are an inspiration. You were actually one of the first photographers in the blogosphere that I started stalking ummm…I mean following for tips and ideas and just to see your beautiful work. I would love it if you would check out my blog (and any cc is always welcome and appreciated). It’s at http://www.bsquaredphotography.typepad.com. Thanks!!
I love your new blog- the banner is beautiful!! I am so excited for you to do our upcoming maternity and newborn shoots!
i forgot to add my blog: http://www.aidricz.blogspot.com
Another lurker who’s finally leaving a comment saying you are incredibly talented and inspirational. Thanks for the time you put into your blog. You are amazing
Lurker coming out. Love the new header.
Congrats! I love it 🙂
LOVE your new blog!! Glad you are happy with it too!
Lurkers? *raises hand* 🙂 New blog looks great! Your photography is fabulous as always. 🙂
Hey Lyndsay, love the new blog, it’s looking fabulous! Can’t wait to keep following along =) My blog isn’t anything too exciting besides the fact that I’m having a baby and talk alot about that, but I enjoy it and try to keep up often, it’s http://www.jerminbaby.blogspot.com
I’m also trying to learn more about photography, so that is why I LOVE your blog and work. You do an amazing job!
Lindsey, love the new site, can’t wait to see what else you have in store! 😉 I’m a newcomer to photography and blogging but I’m learning and sites like yours definitely provide inspirations–thanks–apirateslifeforus.com
Thank you all so much for the blog love! I love that so many lurkers came out of hiding and I hope you’ll continue to visit and leave comments 🙂
oh, and thanks for all the blog links – can’t wait to steal a few minutes away to myself to check them out!
I LOVE your new blog! The banner is just too awesome!! I am a longtime lurker of your blog. You do such an amazing job as a mom and a photographer. I just love all the stories of your kiddos. And they are all 3 so adorable!! Especially Baby T’s little mohawk 😉 You can read my blog but I can asure you it’s not even close to being as entertaining as yours =). http://www.angelicmomentsphotography.blogspot.com
I visit your blog every day! I love reading about your adventures with your kids (We have three kids, too). There have been so many incidents I could relate to, and of course the photography is beautiful, too. Feel free to visit our blog: rzana.typepad.com
Love your blog. It is such an inspiration and your photos are gorgeous. Thank you.
Love the new site… I think I found you from 2Peas almost 2 years ago? not sure, but I love reading your blog. We have several things in common: we both have Tylers (only mine is 17) they both love blue and orange. My daughter (15) is Taylor (love the T thing, just like you) Also have a baby, Nathan (enough was enough, mine are too close in age and the schools, drs, everyone thinks they’re twins and get them mixed up!) is 8 months old. You’ve inspired me in so many ways with my photography! I want to be you when I grow up!!!
I check out your blog everyday! I just started a wedding blog and our family blog is http://www.marleyandmaya.typepad.com
I may not be a “true” lurker since I’ve commented on your blog a few other times, but I thought I’d leave a note anyway! I started my blog to help other moms going through what I was with our daughter, but it’s kind of morphed into a wannabe amateur photography blog, so maybe you’ll find my attempts at photography comical. 😉 Either way, I hope you find some new stuff to read–I know I love discovering new blogs (it’s kinda fun peeking into others’ worlds!)
So I’m a little behind, but in case you’re still checking these comments, I thought I’d say hi. I’m an Austin Nestie and in love with your photography. I missed the voting and all that, but I think it’s great that you mix your business and personal blog. That way we get to see your beautiful family and those of your clients. I can’t wait to book with you someday when I have a baby. 🙂
I’m a new fan. Found your site a few month ago and have enjoyed going through your archives and seeing your fabulous work. It’s very inspiring to me and my photography business. I’m also glad you kept your work and personal together on one blog. I’m a new mom, and it’s been fun to see how you combine your kids with your work. I’ve done the same too.
thanks for sharing!
Hi Lyndsay! LOVE the new blog and the big pics! I sent you an invite to my blog at your mac address … I hope you’ll stop by. Your family has been in my thoughts as Hurricane Gustav moves toward New Orleans … I hope those you know will be safe.
I love the new BIG photos! I’ve been a lurker for so long that I don’t even remember how I stumbled upon your blog. Our blog is http://brelandfamily.blogspot.com
Hi Lindsay! I have enjoyed the little peek into your families life over the past few months. I was given your name by a fellow photographer in my area (she and I are both starting out). You have really given me hope that I can make this happen. I know there is so much to learn and I want to thank you for all the inspiration, information and joy you share. Thank you again…and, Love the new blog! Oh yeah, my blog is http://www.mckneelyspace.blogspot.com.