I brought home some new smock bibs this week and when Jase saw them on the counter, he picked one up and said “honey, are you going to be throwing the food at him?” LOL…actually, it’s the other way around. Maybe I need to rethink this strategy, I’m the one that needs to be covered in plastic!
In all honesty, the mess makes me crazy. Yeah, he’s cute and all, but I despise cleaning scrubbing the highchair 3 times a day, picking food out of his hair, ears, everywhere. I do like him having a mid day bath each day, Little T likes to help and we usually just plop him in the kitchen sink, which he loves. All I can say is thank goodness we have a dog more than happy to gobble up what goes over the edge. Kylie and Teagan are becoming fast friends in that regard.
He doesn’t look too happy in that first shot! Were you feeding him carrots or squash?? Love the chubby cheeks!! I miss him soooooooooooooo much!
carrots mom 🙂
he misses his geegee too
I’m with you…i HATED the mess. But they sure do look cute trying all that new food!
I totally hear you! The baby food stage and the months of mess that go with feeding babies just drove me mad! I couldn’t stand it! Often I would only feed my kids a tiny bit at a time and hardly ever let them play…I feel kind of bad for them now. All that fun and experience they missed out on.
He is a.dor.a.ble.
I hear you too. Every time I feed my girl I think about the mess 🙁 but I also would like her to start eating finger foods. Any teeth yet? No here. She is only 8 months old so I still am a little hesitant about finger foods.
By the way, Baby T looks so cute.
He looks like he had fun! In the second picture he looks so old!
Such a big boy he’s getting to be! 🙂
Lol…coming from one with a 9 month old, I hear ya on the baby covered in food mess. Wait until he starts blowing raspberries with a mouthful of carrots…I’d recommend wearing the plastic too;)
I am just so in love w/ your little boy! He’s too cute for words!