…to last year. At this time on Christmas Eve, we were “moving” from the trailer in our front yard into the house. I still can’t believe we did that, but we did. The house was NO WHERE near ready, concrete floors, no furniture, no kitchen, a functioning toilet on one side of the house and a functioning shower on the other, and that was it. Jason and I took shifts painting into the wee hours of the night the week before Christmas, and got it done just in time. We had the two chairs my Mom’s neighbor had given us, a bed for Ty, a bed for us and we had Taryn’s pack-n-play in the closet in her room. It was the only place it would fit since our bed was also in her room. Our room was filled with tile and supplies. We put up a tree in the middle of the living room and called it Christmas. We had to move in, even under those conditions, as a mother, I couldn’t bear the thought of my children, running from the trailer into the house to see what Santa brought. I couldn’t do it, not on Taryn’s first Christmas, the thought brought tears to my eyes. So we roughed it, we made it through. And slowly but surely the house started to look like a house again. I sit here, still so many things unfinished, but know that the things around us are such a blessing, we don’t take them for granted. It’s been a year and we have come so far. Thank you to all that helped us get so far in such a short amount of time….our blessings are many.

Here we are last Christmas….and I am ashamed to say that this was the last time we all appeared in a photograph together. I’m a disgrace, but I hate being in front of the camera, guess I should force mysef to do it tomorrow huh?
