I met MC not long after moving to Austin. We quickly became friends and I began to mentor her and help her with her photography journey. And by mentor, I mean hang out and goof off with our cameras. But there hasn’t been very much mentoring going on. Life is busy, especially at their house. Not long after this session, MC and Jon announced they were expecting baby #2, thrilling news! Just a few short weeks later Jon was diagnosed with cancer. They are a strong and faithful family and after a few days of shock and tears, came out swingin ready to fight. They rolled with what the coming days would bring them, dealing with chemo, a surgery and balancing the timing with the arrival of their second son. I don’t know that I could have been that strong, I admire them both so much. There was a time when we weren’t sure if Jon would be able to be present for the birth, depending on when the little one decided to arrive. But you know what….MC is a strong woman. She told her body when she wanted it to give birth, and it listened. She told her body to wait until they got back from MD Anderson. It did. She told her swelling and blood pressure to stay it check. It did. She told her body that she needed a successful VBAC, to avoid a c-section and the additional recovery time for the sake of her entire family. And once again, her body listened. And when she thought it was time for Tommy to arrive, her mom brought her to the hospital since neither Jon or MC could drive. She then needed to switch places with Jon at home with Jack, because she hit 8 cm’s fast, Tommy was on his way. MC told her body to wait for him. It did. I will admit that I was a bit paniced when she called and said I needed to pick up Jon and rush him to the labor and delivery. I needed to get him there in time. He couldn’t miss it. Not after every.single.other.thing had fallen perfectly into place so that he could be there. He wasn’t going to miss it on my account. We got there in time (thankfully, whew!!) and MC was a rock star. She did so amazing. Every single thing she needed to happen, happened. She willed it through her strength, I truly believe that.
Click here to view the slideshow: the birth of tommy
So when you view this slideshow, know that this family is nothing short of amazing. Know how much they lean on and depend on one another. Know that Jon was there holding her hand during the delivery of their son while on bedrest himself after just having had surgery. Know how much they love one another. And that they see their blessings through the difficult moments. They are positive, humble, kind and giving. And when you get close to the end of the slideshow, watch as my cute little buddy Jack gives his new baby brother a little wave hello when he sees him for the first time. What a sweet boy he is. Congratulations Urbans, it was an honor to get to be there for Tommy’s birth and an even bigger honor to call you our friends.
touches my heart. so happy for MC and Jon….
That was beautiful! What an amazing family. You captured it so well Lyndsay. Congratulations to them all!
How do you shoot through all the tears.. that is what i think every time i see your slide shows! i so love your work.. it is inspirational to the aspiring TOTALLY “pro” photographer 🙂
Lyndsay – you have once again inspired me to be a better photographer. You are a true inspiration for your work and the relationships that you build! Thank you for sharing!!!
Beautiful…life. words. images. totally amazing…
Incredible images. Beautiful work as always, and a wonderful family to shoot.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Treasure this Urabn’s… it’s a wonderful gift for a blessed family!
Amazing Lyndsay, absolutely stunning.
Three things:
1. We were supposed to go to bed?
2. I will never be able to hear that song again and not think of the wonderful day Amry was born.
3. Can’t we just use some of the NAMC images as our own personal little stock photography segment? I have to giggle because I get a lot of the same images at the births I attend there.
4. Beautifully done!
(oh, that was four things. my can’t count)
Wow that is one amazing family. Some people are just amazing when faced with challenges that most people would not even be able to begin to deal with. Lyndsay your photos of the birth are so amazing. Gosh I have really over used that word today!
Lyndsay I just wondered if your secret to being such a great photographer was something to do with beer and maguaritas and martinis? I never found any of those mentioned in the books on photography that I have been reading and, well as there are 3 of them I wondered if you used them in place of the exposure triange..ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture? Maybe thats where I have been going wrong? ;¬)
So excited to find your page! Love your work! I’m starting a Doula service and offering photograpy! I’m SO inspired! Thank you!!!