finding our new normal

2010-09-26T08:41:35-05:00September 26th, 2010|Announcements, My Family|

I honestly never thought there would be a day that this blog wouldn’t be the only blog I’d ever want and need.  I’ve always poured my heart and our life and days into it along with my business.  I’ve never regretted that, not once.  I am who I am and I’ve been blessed immensely by blogging.  I’ve met wonderful people, made lifelong friends, laughed, cried, documented, shared, and carved out my little space of the web for the sake of my children, my husband and myself.  Why?  So that we can remember.

And then Teagan got sick.  And our days were painful and long and we were in crisis mode.  And I couldn’t blog about it.  I hated that I couldn’t, […]