He’s getting big y’all. And way too fast. He started smiling and being more social right at 4 weeks. They were few and far between but now at 4 weeks and 5 days, every morning is happy time. And I absolutely love it! He saves most of his smiles for mommy and Taryn, quite the little ladies man, he is. And he’s loosing his hair, right at the same time Duder did. Funny little baby. He already looks so much like Duder, it’s crazy to me. I can’t help but wonder if he’ll follow it up with the natural mohawk too.
And I had to share the last photo of Taryn…of course once she arrived he wanted nothing to do with me and my camera. She absolutely adores him. It took her 2 years to adore Teagan Jude, so seeing his maternal, loving side of her with him totally makes my heart swell. She dotes on him all day long and he loves her right back. It’s beyond sweet.
You simple MUST stop posting photos of this adorable baby! I just kicked my baby fever to the curb a few months ago and this has it running right back! Stop!!!