I bought her these yesterday while out shopping with Ty. After seeing
her squeal with glee and dance around in them for a good 15 minutes,
shakin’ her booty over her new pink chucks, I decided it was the best
$15 bucks I’ve ever spent.
Tomorrow is a big day, we’re going to go visit a mother’s day out / pre-k program. It’s been a long time coming, we’ve been nervous, apprehensive and anxious about this decision. While you guys get to see the side of Taryn we see at home, there is also a shy and very apprehensive side of her. She hides under the dining room table when the doorbell rings or someone new comes over. When we are out and about you can see it actually physically pains her at times to be social. Its been different, and difficult, to parent since Ty is on the other end of the social butterfly spectrum. I never thought twice about Ty being so outgoing, even at a young age and am thankful that its been easy for him. I loved that I could bring him to pre-k and he loved it, adjusted well, willing to ditch me in a heartbeat, even if at times he mixed it up a little too much and got in to trouble.
Taryn though, I worry about her. She’s very slow to warm. But, she needs this. It will be good for her. I just keep telling myself that. Its hard for me to leave her, because its hard for her. So this morning I told her we are going to visit a school tomorrow. I find if she has time to prepare herself for new things, she does much better. Her eyes got big and she just stared at me for a second. Thank God for Ty who piped up with a "Ohhh wow T!! You get to go to school just like Ty!!!"…and she smiled big. If Ty thinks its cool, it must be!
And at nap time after I finished reading the second book, she rolled over and looked at me for a second, very quiet, and then says…."Mommy, do they have a potty at school?" Ahhh, my worrier. We laid there and talked all about school, art time, reading, snack, recess, new friends, nice teachers…..and when we go tomorrow, we’re definitely asking to check out the potty π
Awww…what a GREAT big brother. Seriously…it doesn’t get much better than that!! You are so blessed. I hope you guys find somewhere you are both comfortable with. I sent my little man off to preschool this year and it was NOT easy for me…but seeing that smile on his face each day I drop him off and hearing him talk about his friends makes it worth every moment.
I’ll be thinking of you…
I was that way as a child, too. My mom stayed home and we lived on a farm, so I was hardly ever around strangers. But when I was….I would scream and bawl to the point of making myself sick. It doesn’t sound like Taryn is QUITE as bad as I used to be (thank goodness for you guys!), but I can really relate to her. The first time I was ever expected to be away from my mom was preschool (I was 4 years old) and it didn’t go well at all. My mom either had to stay in the room with me, or I’d go running down the street after her (yes, I actually did that!) I think it definitely needs to be done, though, and the earlier you do it the better. I have always thought that if I’d gone to daycare even just one day a week I probably wouldn’t have been so shy and afraid of other people.
So anyway, all of that to say that I think you’re doing a great thing for her! Get her out there and expose her to other kids her own age. Encourage her independence (even if it’s hard on both of you for a while). The sooner you do it, the easier it will be in the long run.
I hope it all goes well for her (and you!) π
Aw, best wishes to your sweet girl and good luck to you!
p.s. LOVE the chucks! So cute.
that blows my mind that a 3-year-old would even think about something like the potty at Pre-school. I am sure that she is going to blow you all a way and skip on in with out even looking back : )
Good luck! Ty is such a sweet big brother! And pink chucks have been my little one’s “signature shoes.” We’ve already gone through 2 pairs of them!
Awww…good luck tomorrow, T! I hope they have awesome potties, great toys and lots of other girls who love pink.
My daughter is also 3 and she is going to pre-k this september also. I had my concerns about school. She is very outgoing (at home) but shy with anybody else (hides behind me when someone says hello).
We had an open-house for all the new kids at her school and she loved it! it was a good idea. They get to see how it would be like and see that it will be fun. She also got to try the little kids’ bathroom. Now, she talks about her school every single day!
Good luck tomorrow!! (to little T AND mommy too!) Hugs to you both w/ a new chapter!
Cute little shoes!! She will do GREAT at pre-k!!! She will make lots of new friends!!
Oh Lyndsay I totally love how you tell us stories about your family. And I really love how Ty is such a great boy and telling Taryn that its cool to be at school (I would have never said that to my brother π
OMG – I LOVE her pink chucks!
My youngest guy was a shy little thing also. He had very patient preK teachers and they really brought him out of his shell. Almost too much! π Good luck with the school visit.