After a really long night at 2 different ER’s on Friday because Ty got bit by a dog,
you’d think we’d have had enough of hospitals for one weekend….

I woke up with contractions on Saturday morning around 4:30 am. After a few
minutes they went away and I was able to go back to sleep. At 6:15 I
woke up in awful pain, I was having really bad cramps and sharp
contractions. To the point where I couldn’t walk or breathe through
them easily. The contractions were really irregular but I was also
feeling a lot of pressure really low so we went into the hospital and
left around 7:30. It was all I could do to get to the car the cramps
were so bad, they never went away and the contractions were just coming
on top of them. We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to monitor
the baby. They wanted to do some tests right away to see if there were any indicators of the hormone
that puts you into labor. After they did that test, the nurse checked
me and found that I’m 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.

Of course I was totally freaked out by that only being 32 weeks, I know
people walk around for weeks dilated but it’s just too early for this
baby to come.  Jason’s face went white when he heard the news too.

They kept me for awhile for observation and the
contractions eased up, but not the cramping, which was really, really
bad. Thankfully the test results to determine if I was in early labor came
back negative! We were sooooo relieved. Especially since Ty and Taryn
both came early, but not this early.  We’ve known that this baby will likely be early, but we were prepared for 36 or 37 weeks, not 32.  We’d been there for almost 4
hours, they felt comfortable based on the test results sending me home,
after they checked me again and I was still 2 cm and 50%.  Jason had left to go bring the kids
to McGee and Mike (they were d.o.n.e. with hospitals by this point).
Thanks guys for taking the kids on a moments notice!

the baby seems to be doing well, moving around a lot, good heart rate,
didn’t seem to be experiencing any stress when he was on the monitor.
My monitor was all over the place, even when I wasn’t contracting, it
showed a lot of what she called "irritability"….whatever that means.
I’m still in a lot of pain from the cramping in my lower
abdomen and in my back, but thankfully the contractions have subsided.
I have strict orders to stay in bed for the rest of the weekend and
then contact my OB on Monday to get checked again. I just want to keep
this baby IN.  We know that every day counts at this point.