1. Not sure if this will be 10 but I’ve been MIA and feel the need to catch up.
2. Favorite moment from the first day of 2010…..Teagan throws his arms up in the air and yells “HA-PEEEEE NEW YEAR!”. We all smile and clap at him. So he smiles, soaks in the approval from us, throws his arms in the air again and yells “TOUCHDOWN!!!”. I love that kid.
3. Iphone pic….I find it oddly amusing and ironic that these two rung in the new year just like this…..
Actually, this was about 10 minutes before midnight (yes, we let our kids stay up, it is tradition). She pushed him, got sent to the corner, he followed along and put himself in the sympathy corner, she fell asleep. Right after this shot, Teagan walked over the couch, threw his legs/feet up on Ty’s lap, laid down and went to sleep. He was moments away from midnight and missed it!
4. One of the highlights of our Christmas was my husband dancing the funky worm in this. I haven’t laughed so hard in a very long time. I’m (not so patiently) awaiting the video my brother-in-law took.
5. I love the way Taryn called Hershey Kisses “Jingle Berries” this year.
6. My family drank waaaay too much hot chocolate, or “hot chok-kit” as Teagan calls it, in the month of December. So much so that I will have an entire post dedicated to it very soon.
7. As soon as I took this one, my father-in-law said “don’t blog that!”. I wouldn’t do that would I?
hahahaha! Somehow the kids always bring him the most difficult things to open on Christmas morning! I swear we don’t put them up to it either, it just happens 😉 Teagan seriously adores his grandpa, he’s got it bad. His grandpa doesn’t mind a bit either. We truly had a wonderful Christmas with Jason’s parents, grandparents and brother here, we couldn’t ask for better. I’ll have more pics to share soon!
8. Proof my mom was here….
9. My mom and stepdad moved from Louisiana to their new big and beautiful home in Alabama the week before Christmas. A big part of me is sad as I spent a good portion of my childhood in the home they moved out of. I wish I could have been there for the transition, but I know they will be happy in their new place. It’s life changing for them as Larry will now have use of an entire house instead of living in one room because their old house isn’t handicap accessible. I’m super excited for them, the build was a long one, and I can’t wait to see it in person again.
10. Hey look, I made it to 10, what do you know? Guess I could come up with something better than this for #10 though. I know! Do you make resolutions? If so, what is yours this year? I like to think of January 1 as a fresh start. Actually using the word resolution makes me feel like I’m setting it up for failure. Fresh start sounds better. I’m going to try and pick up my dedication to One Project A Month (OPAM) again. Last year I think I only did 3, got busy with life, kids and work….so we’ll see how 2010 goes….but I’m going to give it my best shot! How about you?
Love, Love, Love the picture of Grandpa! Awesome shot!
Happy New Year Lyndsay!!! .. I love the pic with Grandpa.. specilally because Gummy got the exact same toy and it took us a LOOOONG time to “untie” Buzz from it’s carboard prison while an impatient 3yr old screamed with excitement waiting to put his hands on it..
Happy New Year L.
I always like to see pictures of your mom with the little ones.
Wow. Those Stradtners have some strong genes huh? Your father in law is like looking at Jason years from now! LOL! And boy do I remember the job it was to open that Buzz Lightyear toy for Jayden…