My photographer buddy Erin has taken on a Momma Mondays post on her blog. Love this idea! If you don’t read her blog, check it out! Last Monday, it was potty training,, this Monday, its books. As a former kindergarten teacher, Erin knows her books for kids, so be sure to check it out.
Being that my kids are varying ages, I’ll start with Ty. I could go on and on for him though, he’s the big reader in our family. He’d have his nose in a book 24/7, which sounds like a good thing, but I want him playing outside sometimes too! It’s funny that both his teacher and his parents have stepped back to listen to themselves in horror telling him to stop reading….can you imagine!? Yeah, we shared a laugh over that. His top favorites are:
- Of course, Harry Potter, the entire series. He’s read them all, twice.
- He also loves the Hardy Boys series.
- Artemis Fowl
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Grossology (cause what 10 year old boy doesn’t right?)
While Ty loves to read long, complicated story lines, Little T loves the actual books. She hords them, counts them, looks through them and then reads. Some of our faves were listed in Erin post so I’ll try and post a few different ones. A lot of her favorites are read daily, here are just a handful. I’m adding a few that are baby related since that’s been big at our house recently too:
- Curious George’s Big Book of Curiosity. By far, the longest running favorite at our house. It keeps her attention longer than anything else, so much to look at. Love it.
- Are You My Mother
- Barnyard Dance…you know you know it…stomp your feet, clap your hands….yeah, I can recite it in my sleep =)
- Guess How Much I Love You…although Jason can’t read this book anymore without turning red and laughing really hard. One day he was reading it and got the words "Little Nutbrown Hare" mixed up…I’ve never laughed so hard. I’ll let you figure it out since this is a G-Rated post, but that’s a book mommy reads now π
- A baby related book if you are expecting, Baby on the Way. This one T loved and it also mentions breastfeeding, which is helpful if you will nurse.
- I’m A Big Sister is another of her favorites.
- We also just bought Now We Have A Baby.
I love it that our children love to read so much. Ty’s room is overflowing with books and we’ll soon have to remedy that. Taryn’s books are in a bookcase in her room, but we also have baskets of books around the house, seems like they are everywhere but it’s nice she always has access to them.
And just cause I loooooove this image (yeah, I know I just posted it a few days ago but it’s my favorite book shot). I just had it printed big and it’s gorgeous if I do say so myself π
Thanks for the great Momma Monday post Erin….I added a category here
so we can piggy back that cute little pigbear more often =)
YAY! I’m so glad you’re joining in, Lyndsay! I think it’s awesome that you added books for kids Ty’s age…I know a lot of people will really find that helpful. And thanks for the laugh about LNH…that book will be SO much more interesting now. π
Landon has just found Diary of a Whimpy kid too. He laughed his way through that one. I can’t get Landon to read, he really does not enjoy it. I’ve tried Hardy Boys and he doesn’t like that. Grossology is probably right up his alley – LOL! Boys are so much fun!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the list of books!
Lyndsay – Tell Ty he should read the Chronicles of Narina series by C.S. Lewis, it was the Harry Potter of my time (and yes, the books are much better than the movie)!! π