I decided we needed a day in, so we’re having a pj day. I’m nursing Teagan and after all our running around the last few days, my supply is low. So, today I’m at his disposal to try and get things right again. During his morning nap, T and I dove into a few craft projects for her new room. We started working on her new magnet board and then we painted these hooks. I’m too cheap to pay for the Pottery Barn ones I wanted, mostly cause I needed 6 of them. So instead we made these…
Pardon the cruddy photo please. We painted 3 hot pink and 3 green. T’s paint job needed a little touching up π Her much loved Dora paintbrush needs replacing but she won’t let me near it. $1 pegs from Michaels, plus Memory Makers flowers and brads. The green pegs have white flowers with pink and white polka-dot brads. Six of these cost me about $12, not too shabby huh? The plan is that these will be part of a photo wall above Taryn’s bed. We’ll hang big photos mounted on styrene with fun colored ribbon from each one. I’ll post a photo when it’s all done. I’m trying to have at least Ty and Taryn’s rooms finished up before my mom gets here in a few weeks. That’s the goal anyway.
You’ve once again do it again!!! You ALWAYS come up with the cutest ideas!
Super cute! I can’t wait to see the rooms when they’re done!
You Rock!!! I’m so excited to see all the rooms put together especially this photo wall and the photo cubes/blocks of Teagun’s you promised us (hint!hint! LOL!….I LOVE to do creative stuff and am itching to start something new! π
Thanks for all the great ideas!
Oooh, I love this. We are just working on Lily’s big girl room and I saw something like this similar on Land of Nod, but they were $10 a piece! I’ll totally have to check out Michaels and see if we can do something similar.
Super cute!!! I have just made my own “quilt clips” from some wooden items from Hobby Lobby for my girls’ rooms. It is so much fun seeing how inexpensive and cute things can be when you just do them yourself!