I just finished proofing the birth of these two little cuties and I love the images to much. I wanted to come back and share a few more….
I took this one through the nursery glass……shhhhh……that was a no-no so don’t tell. I honestly just could not resist. He was laying there all cute and new, sporting his freshly combed faux hawk at all of less than one hour old. I had to.
Can I get a collective ‘awwwwwww’….
I love love love this one….
Sigh….newborn babies are just the best.
((((Insert my husband shaking his head no, no, no, no more when he sees the look in my eyes when I get home from photographing a birth lol))))
Lyndsay Stradtner | www.lifeinmotionphotography.com
love them all. I want another baby. 😉
Oh, these are so sweet. I can’t wait to see the slide show.
And you guys should have one more. You make adorable sweet kids and you need to even things up : ) And everyone is saying that “4 is the new 3”
Absolutely adorable little ones!!
Awwwww!!! LoL at Jason 🙂
Seeing these makes me wanna jump back in the game. Love the lightness of the b/w processing.
beautiful, beautiful shots. the hands one melts my heart!
Seriously. I am an emotional pregnant mess already. I am going to have to stop visiting your blog until my baby is born. Looking at all these babies is too much, and I so wish that there was some way I could have you here when I give birth! Great job, as always.
Sigh. These make my ovaries hurt. Beautiful.