Of all the days I’ve missed home, today has been the hardest. Things are settling in and today, for the first time in years, my brother and his family are visiting my mom and stepdad all the way from Oregon for Thanksgiving. It’s soooo hard to be away knowing everyone is there, especially when you don’t get to see them that often. It’s a shame, but my brother has never met Ty, can you believe that, and he’s over 10 years old! He got to meet Taryn when we went to see my grandfather in Oregon before he passed, T had to go with me because I was nursing and Ty couldn’t be out of school during the trip. It’s hard to live away, but harder not to visit when they are so close. I could have driven home, but Jason couldn’t get off work and we just all felt that me being so pregnant (and sick again) and making the trip with the kids would have been pushing it. I know that it was the right decision, but it’s still hard. I’ve really, really been missing my mom so much, I don’t talk about it much, even at home, because, I just can’t. Self preservation I suppose.
And speaking of being sick…..I ran out of morning sickness meds this week. Which stinks. My insurance company won’t approve any more until 2008. Well, fat lot of good that does me. My dr. had to fight to get me meds to make it this far, and they won’t budge any further. Some stupid man in a suit at the insurance company made that decision. You know, cause he’s never had a day of morning sickness in his life. I’d personally like to hurl on that guy.
I am exciting to say though that we’ve started working on the nursery. And by "working" I mean "buying stuff"! My mom gave us a generous gift of purchasing all the bedding and I just love everything about it. I got in the mail this week and it’s perfect! I’m hoping to convince Jason to get the crib up this weekend so I can start getting things together. I can’t wait!
And names? I have noticed a few comments to posts asking about a name for our new baby boy. I would share it, but we haven’t picked one yet! Isn’t that awful? We don’t agree on names very well. Girl names, yes, we had quite a few girls names on our list. Boy names, tough for us. We can’t even decide whether or not to continue on with the T names. What do you guys think? Is it hokie?
Ty is home next week, can’t wait, I miss him like crazy when he’s gone all day long. Hoping I can get him in front of the camera some. He avoids it. Might have to bribe him, but gotta come up with something good.
Taryn had some weird food poisoning thing this week. Bad. She’s doing better though thankfully. Still loves getting up every morning and watching the sunrise from our living room window. I’ve tried to photograph it, but I can’t do it justice, so I’ve given up for now. I feel like I’m in a photography rut. Might have something to do with not picking up my camera much at all. Hope I snap out of it by tomorrow, I’m super excited about taking Anne-Marie’s maternity pictures tomorrow afternoon!
Have a great weekend everyone =)
Hey Lynds..big hugs! I’m sorry you are having a rough time of it. Maybe everyone should drive and see you…Brian could do it π
I hope you have an amazing week home with Ty next week and you start to feel better soon.
I’m one of your nestie lurkers π So sorry to hear about the meds. Wish I could send you some of mine – it was all that was getting me through the day for a while. Hope that you start feeling better soon!
awwww, you poor thing! i haven’t checked your blog in a while and didn’t realize you were still sick. hope things get better soon π
oooh, i love thinking about baby names! i just thought of a great T name for your little guy: Tavis. sounds like davis but with a ‘T’ and you could even call him Taye if you wanted for short. doesn’t that go so well with your other T names? love it. but i’m sure whatever you come up with will rock! good luck and feel better!!
We are especially missing you today, too, honey. You know there is nothing a Mom likes more than to have all her children in one place! We’ve talked about you a lot though, and I’ve been showing off my “gallery” of photos, my photo books, my stack of photo prints waiting to be in an album, etc. etc. I’ve been bragging on you…..were your palms itching or your ears burning, or whatever that old saying is??? You are so close (compared to Oregon….but yet so far….I love you and miss you a bunch!!
Feel better Lynds!
I can’t wait to see the nursery:-)
Photography ruts…..I hear ya, one day I think, hey I can do this, I’m sure I’m getting better, the next day I want to just give up.
You’ll get your mojo back – you’re so talented.
Aw, it is tough being away from family. It gets better though, but it’s always harder around the holidays.
About the “T” names…I’m sure some people will think it’s hokey, but I think it’d be cute. Plus, I wouldn’t want #3 to feel like an outsider since his brother and sister both have “T” names. But, just my two cents!
How about Trey? Ty, Taryn and Trey? π Just a thought plus he is the third! I hope you feel better soon and I so feel you on the missing family part. All of mine is up in Indiana and we are down in Tennessee. π I hope you enjoy the holidays!