The Goodbyns I ordered with my credit card points arrived Friday evening and I am in LOVE. Here is just one that I packed for tomorrow.
Includes organic strawberries and organic grapes, reusable cloth napkin, organic raspberry yogurt covered pretzels, organic all natural lemonade, trailmix we made ourselves including all organic cashews/chocolates and sunflower seeds, organic tortilla wraps with natural, nitrate and hormone free baked turkey with tilamook cheese, pita chips and all natural/organic spinach humas. Yuuuuuum! And a zero waste, healthy lunch, score! I think I’m going to order one for everyone in the family, I love them that much! Want one of your own? Go here!
That looks soo tasty!!
Your wrap + pita chips looks like an owl!
yum….i want some of that hummus! GREAT finds!
sure, but where’s the size that will accommodate my 12 year old????!! I think he’d need three boxes…
Looks yummy! Looks very similar to a lunch that you can find on and she uses a lot of organic and farmer’s market produce.
I picked up one of these too and love it!
I looked at these this summer, but I didn’t buy because I was afraid my 7 year old wouldn’t be able to close it fully when she was done and all the left overs would spill out. Can your daughter do it by herself?
Looks like a yummy, healthful lunch. Hope she loves it!
Wow, thank you for the inspiration! How does it stay cold with all the perishable food? Does it have a icepack?
thanks for the inspiration in your earlier post–I ordered two last week and we can’t wait til they get here. What a yummy lunch!
That looks so cool…and delicious! I’ve bookmarked the website to order a couple!
That looks great! I got one for me and my husband. I LOVE mine. I just need to get in the habit of planning time to put it together. It goes right into the fridge at work and is fabulous!
That looks really good & it’s so healthy, too!
You’re giving me ideas to send to our daughter for her daughter’s kindergarten lunches. Thank you!
Here’s a blog that you might find interesting. It has gluten free recipes and she even has a forum, too!
Wishing you the best of luck in keeping your whole family healthy. I hope Teagan is going thru amazing results in regards to his health since you guys have made so many good changes. Keep us posted!
PS Do you guys have your own garden? If not, you would love it and to know that it’s all organically grown can’t be beat! You can laso look into square foot gardening. Stay healthy!