We know that cloning is illegal, sure hope you guys don’t turn us in!!


I’m always wishing I could get great bath time shots with Taryn, but with an unfinished bathroom, it just never works.  Exposed sheetrock isn’t pretty.  I finally got a couple I like though…



And finally, the bubble man.  I broke down and bought the big bottle and that sucker is heavy.  Blowing bubbles are our house is now a pretty decent arm workout =)  Our arms get tired before we run out of hot air!  Which is saying a lot around here!!! LOL


I haven’t touched my camera in almost a week.  I have over 800 personal pics to proof.  I’ve never been that far behind!  I’ve vowed to catch up before I take any more, think I can stick to that?  I have one client session to finish up first and  then I cann dive in!