The other night I was tucking Taryn in to bed and listening to her read me a story when I realized that it was really quiet in the house. I went looking for Jase who was supposed to be getting Teagan ready for bed. I turned the corner and saw this….Daddy soaking up his little man. Teagan climbed up in to his lap and crashed. I asked if he was coming and he said, “yeah, in a bit, I never get to just sit and enjoy this…”. He’s right, Teagan usually chooses me to sit and snuggle with at the end of the day. But on this night, I was busy doing other things, so Daddy got to be the lucky one. I’m so thankful for that, I’m pretty sure he was too.
ps – I woke up this morning with a raging eye infection. I’m behind on email but it kills me to look at the bright screen so I’m logging off. I’ll catch up just as soon as I can.
Such a precious moment! J was right to soak it up!
Lynds, this picture totally made me tear up, especially after reading Jason’s response to you. What a wonderful man you have to father your beautiful children. This picture is just amazing. One to keep always. My husband was sitting on the couch over the weekend typing up his homework paper on the laptop and my sleepy 3 year old son sat next to him and rested his head on my husband’s arm…within 5 minutes, he was asleep. Boys and their daddies…such an awesome bond. Makes my heart melt. Boy, are we lucky 🙂