I’m feeling very fed up and frustrated right now. I’ve found over a dozen thieves in the last several months, yet I’ve kept quiet. 3 just this weekend, including my copyright statement (really?!?!) and my entire birth site (wording, not images). It is NOT ok to take wording off my website, pose as a client to get my information and use it as your own or use any of the text or images off of this blog or my website. BE YOURSELF. Especially, if you are local.
Thinking of stealing from me? Read this first: When is enough, enough?
get em girl
uggh this makes me so mad! those assholes!!!
What is WRONG with people?! You are very gracious not to completely call them out by name!
Losers. It is unbelievable how angry this makes me as I’ve had the same thing happen. Really…I never thought I had anything worth stealing, but people are fricking ridiculous. Sorry you’re going through this, Lindsay.
That would be so aggravating–it’s obvious how hard you work to make your brand yours. I’m so sorry you have to deal with these jerks.
Oh, I am so sorry you have to deal with that…wth is wrong with people????
Yeah it is really said that you have to say it again. Im sorry! I think you should post the photog’s name/info. I want to know who they are. Maybe you should so people stop!
That just sucks! I’m sorry I hope this person gets the message! I had a friend (photographer) on facebook and someone copied all their images even of her children and made an account and posed to be her and even said those were her children!
The internet can be used in so many wonderful ways but stealing just isn’t one of them! I’d start posting names!
Lynds… just rest easy that what goes around comes around… those people will fail at some point and will only have themselves to blame. BTW… how did you figure it out? I would have no idea if anyone was stealing from us!
How sad that they can’t come up with their own thing! I would totally call them out and let them feel dumb and see how many clients they actually get once people know that they are copy cats and thieves of someone else’s hard work. I love your work and your photographs and hope you continue to blog despite those pathetic people.
unreal. …and scary! I think you did the right thing in standing up for you and your business.
I’m so sorry that this keeps happening over and over. It really is ridiculous that people think that is the way to create a successful business for themselves. If they don’t have enough originality to come up with their own information on their website then they will most likely not be too original in their work as well. I think what goes around will come around in these situations, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating for you in the mean time. I would call them out at this point!
That is just wrong! People are too much!!
grrrrr…so sorry you’re dealing with this again! the only peace i can find is Karma is B—-! It WILL come back to them! thanks for sharing this again…
I’m sorry! That would be so frustrating. Your pictures are truly eye candy. Thanks for all your posts.
Lynds, I have been following you since I met you on The Nest years ago, right around the time of Katrina. You are so talented and gracious. I, nor anyone else, would think wrong of you to call these thieves out. Do what you have to. They are in the wrong! Good luck!
I’m sorry…what is with people these days…just remember that YOU are original and yourself and people love that about you.
I have never commented here before but I love your work and I just happened to stumble across another photographer in your area and immediately realized I was looking at an exact duplicate of your site. It is just sad. So many people think if they have a nice camera they can become a profesional photographer. Eventually people will catch on that she is just a big scam and lacks any originality, still pathetic though.
I’m so sorry! It sucks that you had to go through this once, but again. Seriously what is wrong with people!?!
That just plain sucks. People are ridiculous.
I just saw this in one of those silly little emails that get passed around, but it is so true and it instantly made me think of you. “Be yourself, every one else is taken.”
It seems like people are failing to understand that there is a huge difference in gathering INSPIRATION from another photographer and COPYING another photographer. It’s definitely not a fine line. I am so sorry you are dealing with this again. It’s not fair, but like some of the others said, Karma is a B.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. That’s terrible.
Have you thought about consulting an attorney? Most attorneys will give you a free initial consultation meeting to tell you what your options are.
oh dear L this stinks…i am dealing with those aggravating polyvore kids right now and after never getting much accomlished with orkut i am so done with this….i am sorry you are having to deal with this hun
That is TERRIBLE!!! I would do OUT them! Sorry this is happening to you girl, I know it stinks!!!