In an effort to save money I started making my own toothpaste a few months ago. With 6 people in this house, we can easily go through 6+ tubes a month. At $4+ each for natural, fluoride free toothpaste, it definitely adds up. Who wants to spend $288 a year on toothpaste?! Not this girl! Plus keeping track of who likes what flavor stresses me out. And honestly, even with the fluoride free stuff, I didn’t love the ingredients of store bought tooth paste. I put off making my own for a long time but I totally regret that because it is SO EASY. Less than 5 minutes and you are done. I wrote out the recipe and my kids can do it, easy peasy! After the initial expense of buying the ingredients, it didn’t take me long start saving. So I started looking for a recipe on Pinterest, I tried a few and the kids weren’t fans at first. I combine and tweaked and finally came up with something we all love. And just in time, Taryn came down with her first cavity. She’s been using this new recipe for 2 weeks and her tooth is well on it’s way to being fully remineralized. Her tooth stopped hurting the same day she started using this. When we ran out of the homemade stuff this week, it took me an extra day to mix it up and make more, so I used our old natural brand. My teeth felt so different. I really prefer this, my teeth feel cleaner and I love that it contains On Guard, as its a boost to the immune system!
What you need:
3 GoToobs
3/4 cup Organic Coconut Oil
3 Tbs Redmond Bentonite Clay
1 Tbs Aluminum Free Baking Soda
2-3 Tbs Organic Xylitol
Pinch of Real Salt
15-20 Trace Mineral Drops
20-30 Drops of DoTerra On Guard
This recipe is enough to fill 3 GoToobs. I’ve seen other recipes us Peppermint, Lemon or Sweet Orange essential oil as well, but On Guard is definitely our favorite.
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