Does anyone have any suggestions for places to find craft projects for kids online? My kids are getting tired of my same old “let’s glue pom pom’s and googlie eyes to paper” tricks. I need something new and exciting for summer. Links? Ideas?
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I get the newsletter from this site:
and the newsletter from this site is really great:
but this one is probably my favorite:
i’m not a mommy yet, but love this site for crafts when friends kids come over to my house!
This is a great site that I have used before.
Sorry if you’re the one that told me about this one!
toddler ideas
preschooler ideas
Family fun is a good one, also Michael’s has a kids newsletter call The Knack. They also do events in the store that are sometimes free or low cost. So does Lowe’s. They had a build a bird house deal around Mother’s day that I missed but looked totally cute. is a great resource. has some good little worksheets as well.
My absolute favorite is The Crafty Crow blog… she links great ideas from all over the web!
Check I love that site!!
I’m a preschool teacher, and one of my favorite things to do is tape a big piece of paper on the wall and let the kids go at it! Paint, markers, whatever. Plus it’s good for their fine motor development, blah blah blah 😉
Making your own play dough and then playing with it is always a fun choice!
I also love using tissue paper… you can make a cool “stained glass” by shmearing elmer’s glue all over a piece of waxed paper and covering it with tissue pieces or squares, then more glue and another piece of waxed. Looks great cut into shapes and with a paper frame!
Felting with wool is also fun, tons of directions for that online…
People shared some great links already, but I’ll second the rec for Family Fun magazine!
Hope this helps!
I haven’t had a great amount of time to ‘play’ on here, but found this great, fun, easy bean bag idea that looked fun!
My kids love nick jr…games & activities, craft finder
Love this post!
try she always has great projects and lots back logged! You’ll be busy for weeks 🙂 Love your site!
i have a ton bookmarked. here are my faves
also if you look at no time for flashcards’s blog roll she has a ton of blogs listed.
I just got one of these (in boy patterns) for Owen and my nephew. Great for being artistic on the go! They are so cute and I’m going to put sticker sheets behind the notepad for something extra for O to use.
I just happened to see this one the other day – a third grade art teacher, but projects that would work for many age groups. All explained with pictures. Things I want to do and my children are now teenagers!
family fun is a great magazine for ideas. our latest favorite is drawing with window crayons on our sliding glass doors. I bought them at the craft store – they also have markers ones (think of all of the soccer mom vans with writing and go team on them). Cleans up easily!