I love photographing grandparents with their grandchildren, because
without fail, the love they share just comes pouring out, and it makes
my job easy in capturing it.  Today was no exception.  Good thing too,
cause my time off has left me pretty rusty!  It became very apparent that I need to get back in the
groove of things….I’ve taken too much time off!

I was lucky enough to get to photograph Ms. Meredith with her loving grandparents this morning…



Ha!  I love it that this is how Mike gets Meredith to leave the park.  They walk home upside down!  Dude, when you’ve got a toddler, go with what works!


It was fun guys =)

On a side note, I had to sneak out of the house and avoid T’s questions, telling her I was going to take pics for "someone".  When I got home, she spotted the froggie sticker on my camera and I had to confess.  No one likes frogs more than Meredith, busted.  So when I told T I had been at Meredith’s house she gasped, scowled and shook her head…"pit-churs wid merdif…humph".  Yeah, the guilt trip was big.