Last night we went to Good Friday Service at the Frank Erwin Center.  Over 16,000 believers there to celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.  It was beautiful and inspiring and I absolutely loved seeing my children worship with such a big crowd.  Taryn and Jude sang.  One of them (duder) sang until he fell asleep on Jason’s shoulder.  And it turns out that Jonah is a throw your arms up in the air, praise Jesus, hallelujah, kind of worshipper!  Who knew?!  I loved it!

As wonderful as it was, I totally overdid it with my injured foot.  By the time we got back to the car it was incredibly swollen, I was in tears and Jason had to drive us home, I couldn’t drive.  He got me settled in them had to take Ty all the way back in to Austin to go get the other vehicle since we met there after work.  I felt so bad they had to do that, but the pain was just too much.  I guess I’m not healed enough to venture out.  I kept it up all day because I had a session tonight and really needed to be functional again.  I’m so ready to participate in life again, I miss going on adventures with my kids so much.