I can’t even tell y’all how much I laughed at all the entries for the giveway! There are some cute, funny, endearing and down right hilarious stories in there. There are also a few that made me sad because your Mother’s have passed on. I am so thankful mine is here with us today (she flew in yesterday) and I will be enjoying her and my children all weekend long. I really, really enjoyed getting to know all of you a little bit better and hope you’ll post more often and share!
And I’m super excited to give the gorgeous Jenny Norene bag away today! We chose the winner at random on random.org. The winner is………
diana Today in the shoe dept at Nordstroms, Sophia kept running to all the shoe mirrors, putting her hands up under her chin and saying “I’m pretty, I’m sooo pretty!” Ugh so much for trying to tell her she’s smart, we have a narcissist on our hands
2009/05/05 at 5:30 PM
Thanks! I’m so excited and can’t wait to get it 😉 Love your site.
Congrats Diana!