I feel like I have been proofing non-stop for a week and still have 3 sessions calling my name! Ty was watching me proof after dinner (which he loves to do!) and we decided to have a little fun in photoshop. So, this is what Ty would look like if his face suddenly melted – LOL! Gotta love the liquify tool =) With every click of the mouse we laughed harder and harder until our bellies hurt!
Oh….and a funny Ty story….
In Ty’s class they have a VIP of the week. Well, it’s the end of the year and they finally made it to the S’s! I’ve been waiting and waiting, I couldn’t wait to send in pictures to decorate the bulletin board and tell all about Ty! I did a really cool picture with his name in graffiti on bricks and him off to the side for the top and then sent him a bunch of the family and then some pictures that he took. Well, on Monday his bulletin board was ready to go and he had to get up in front of the class to talk about it. He came home Monday afternoon and I asked him how his day was. He said “good, my VIP board looked really good. But Mom, you’re not even going to believe this…NO ONE EVEN KNEW WHAT PHOTOSHOP WAS!!! Can you BELIEEEEEEEVE that?!? Yeah, like how could I even begin to explain photoshop Mom?!?! I didn’t even try!”
He was so funny and dramatic, makes me realize just how much he knows about photography and editing for being 9. Do you think it’s safe to say he’s mastered liquify?? LOL!
Alright, enough messing around….back to work with me….
Good Lord! My grandson looks like a mutant!! Don’t show Taryn – she’ll be scarred for life!
Colin says this one looks like spongebob! He was like, “go back to that one please mom.”
The liquify is so coolll. And Tyler is even more cooooollll!!!for knowing about photoshop…knows more than me…I would think every kid in america would love to have a picture of himself or herself liquified…a new venture!!!Tye could be a millionaire.