Date night is a weekly thing at our house. My mom wrangles the kids, takes them out for a night of fun and Jase and I have some time to ourselves, a quiet dinner out usually. We’re thankful for it, so thankful. Wednesday nights, smack dab in the middle of the week, a little break, to last us until Friday. So last night was the last date night where my mom took off with the kids for awhile. Bittersweet. She happened to mention to Ty that he could pick his favorite date night activity. Of course she thought he’d pick swimming, skating or the arcade. And he woulda if I hadn’t whispered "Chuck*E*Cheese" loud enough for everyone to hear. I don’t know what came over me….it was pure evil for me to do that to her. Not exactly the Gee’s favorite place, her nemesis …… bwahahahaha. Can I blame it on being pregnant? Ok, probably not, but it was worth a shot. Ty got excited, the Gee glared at me and I giggled (a lot). =)
So all throughout the day yesterday, I kept telling Taryn they were having a big date night and going to Chuck*E*Cheese and she’d say "WITH GEE GEE!" and jump up and down. Super excited. When her daddy was getting her dressed for their date I asked her where she was going and she says "CUT DA CHEESE!". HA! Funny girl….I’m going to go ahead and guess she learned that term from her 10 year old brother 😉
Next week date night falls on moving day, so we will all go out to dinner together. Bittersweet.
You know what’s funny?? Ty and Taryn think date nite is all for them…. Lynds and Jase think is their special nite together….but they are all wrong – date nite is for me!! I have enjoyed it so much! It has been the best part of my week… a break from caregiving, a break from a husband in constant pain, and a chance to spend time with two of the people I love most on this earth! Ty and I have literally been having date nite for years. It used to just be sleepovers, candlelight dinners (yeah – Ty thought they were cool!), reading stories, playing checkers, talking in the dark and then we moved on to going out on date night. I’m not sure what I will do on Wednesday nights. I am so afraid that when I go to visit that he will have “moved on”.
I know that Lynds and Jason are doing the VERY BEST thing for their family by moving to Austin……but, change sure is hard on the heart….
Big hugs Gee!
You evil, evil mommy. I hope everything goes well :o) Real estate IS stressful! So did Jase get the job or what??!! I’m dying here!! lol…
Gee Gee, those kids will never forget all that time they spent with you. Trust me, I’ve been in their shoes.
On a lighter note, when my little brother was about four years old, he was in the church Christmas program for the first time. He came home from his program practice one day, and he was telling me that he learned all about Chuck E Cheeses. I was really confused at that point, but we later figured out what he really meant to say was, “Baby Jesus!” Poor kid was a little confused.
Thinking of all of you…