Football mom truths:
- #60 did awesome.
- I am proud of him. Like, really proud of him.
- He plays on offense, defense and special teams.
- It took him literally years to convince me to let him play. I was am afraid he’ll get hurt.
- The first hit made my heart sink and reality set in. I contained my inner panic well.
- I would prefer he play the *safety* position just because I like that name better than *tackle*. Of course I realize it has nothing to do with what he actually does or is….it just makes me feeeeeel better.
- I call his uniform a costume just to see him get flustered. Works every time. I’m mean like that.
- I promised not to request a close up pic and embarrass him. I regretted that promise cause I really wanted one.
- I need a better zoom lens.
- Football is more than a big deal in Texas. Even in middle school.
- His school has 4 football teams for 7th and 8th grades. 4.
- Wrangling two toddlers and a camera while trying to watch a game is a ton of work.
- We need a baby sitter for game nights. Especially on the nights Jason moves chains for the booster club.
- When they ran through the end zone and through the paper Ty was the first one to break through. So him.
- Taryn cried for 10 minutes after that because “they broke through the paper and ruining a beautiful painting”!
- I had to smile and giggle to the side along with just about everyone sitting around us. She was pitiful.
- Taryn and Teagan had a hard time figuring out which player was Ty. After a 20 minute discussion (that’s more than a quarter of the game people!) of trying to help Taryn figure it out she finally said “is he the one with the W on his helmet?” I said “why yes, yes he is, see him now?” YES! And I thought oh thank God, I don’t care anymore, just pick one you think is Ty and go with it chic…
- When the cheerleaders pulled out filled spirit sticks to throw to the fans Taryn had no clue as to what was about to happen. When they actually THREW something at her (we were in the front row) she freaked her freak and ducked for cover with a scream. When Jason caught a purple one filled with candy, she got over it quick. They did it again during the second half and at the first sign of a spirit stick she dove for cover and came up with a signature scowl when no one caught one for her.
- Teagan was super wiggly by halftime so I gave him my iphone and let him play his favorite puzzle game. As the dance team finished their routine on the field everyone clapped. Without even looking, Teagan jumped up and threw his arms in the air and yelled “GOOOOOOO TY!” HA!
- The duder must of said “Ty play HUTBALL?!” 8,632 times that evening.
- THEY WON! 18-16! GO COYOTES!!!
An awesome re-cap of your evening! My favorite was the second to last with Teagan’s “Ty play HUTBALL?!”. Or maybe it is Taryn crying about them breaking the paper… It is all good stuff and I enjoyed! I feel proud of Ty too! 🙂
your updates and hysterical and make me smile! I hope all is well with your family.
Love the play by play of the night! Glad they won and that Ty had a great time!!
I love that they are the ‘Wiley Coyotes’ – love it. (side note – we have a local school in Poca, WV. Their name–Dots. Yep, the Poca DOTS!!!) Congrats to Ty and his team. Hope things are going well with the other Ts.
love your wit, makes me laugh!!
Hehehehe, that’s great. Go Ty!
I love this post on so many levels. 🙂 My son played football from 4th grade through his senior year (he graduated this past May). For nearly 10 years we looked forward to every fall season. Every year it became more and more exciting to watch. They were The Boys of Fall and I loved it. Was it hard to watch at times, especially when the were getting their tales whipped and there was a LOT of tackling going on? Absolutely! But I will always consider those football memories some of the best days of my life! I watched my son go from a boy to a man all while playing football. This fall has been the first year with no Friday night games to attend and quite frankly, it has been hard on this ‘ol moms heart. I miss it and I miss him (he’s in college now). Enjoy this time. And maybe let me live vicariously through your football posts! lol! Sorry for my long winded ways…. I could truly write an entire blog post about it myself! lol!
You must be incredibly proud of him. Wow. I can’t imagine. My hurt would probably explode with all of the emotion (and fear) and excitement. Congrats!
You must be incredibly proud of him. Wow. I can’t imagine. My heart would probably explode with all of the emotion (and fear) and excitement. Congrats!
This cracks me up! Love the part where you call his uniform “a costume”, I do the same thing to my husband & his baseball uniform except I use “outfit”….lol. Thanks for sharing your funny family stories, they always put a smile on my face 🙂