I have always loved my birthday. Growing up, having a birthday two days after the 4th of July, I just kind of assumed that the big BBQ, party, fireworks, family, gifts, were all to celebrate my birthday. My mom’s birthday is on Sunday, so growing up it was always a great time filled with family and food and celebrating. I will admit I love my birthday a little too much. Unless I’m pregnant. I’ve had two birthdays when I’m big and pregnant. I turned 30 when I was 9 months pregnant with Taryn and now I’m turning 37 with #4 on the way and about to hit the 3rd trimester. It’s hot, I’m cranky, and instead of celebrating, it just makes me feel uncomfortable and….old. I think it makes it worse not being able to see my mom this weekend, I miss her so much and we really do birthdays together well.
I found this on my Mom’s facebook wall this morning. I wanted to share and tuck it away here on the blog before it disappears in facebook.
“I think it was about 1971 when my then husband and I were told we would never be able to have a child together. Thankfully, we had my son, Brian, from a previous relationship. Four years later I was trying to make an appt with my gynecologist, but the clinic refused to make the appt until I took a pregnancy test. There was no running to the pharmacy for an EPT in those days; I had to go into the clinic and leave a ‘sample’ and I was not happy about it. They told me to call back in 3 days (!) and they would then make the appt. So I’m sitting in the break room at work and make the call to schedule my appt. The nurse tells me I am pregnant. I said, “NO, I am not; I can’t get pregnant”. She insists I am; I insist I’m not. Repeat. Finally, in a state of unbelieving shock, I hang up the phone and call my husband. By the time I got home from work, he had called EVERYONE we ever knew with the news, except for my mother. We went to share the news with my mom and dad and when she opened the door, there I stood with a mixed drink in my hand (in those days we didn’t know any better). She immediately sensed something monumental was going on because I didn’t drink then. We were all so happy and excited! We had to wait nine months to find out what we were having (no ultrasounds). On July 6, my beautiful daughter was born. Lyndsay has been a joy to me everyday of her life. A gift from God that I never thought I would have. She is a fabulous daughter, wife and mother and I am so very proud of the woman she has become. I love her with all my heart. And she is the gift that keeps on giving…..Tyler…..Taryn……Teagan and our yet un-named baby boy due in October. Happy Birthday, Lynds. Wish we could be together to celebrate!”
This made me feel so happy to read. It made me feel like such a blessing. And as uncomfortable and cranky as I am today, I hope that when my children’s birthdays come around, I can channel my mom and make sure they know what a blessing they are in my life.
I loved what she wrote…and, your mom always did plan the best birthdays 🙂
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, big and uncomfortable and all 🙂 Your mom’s words are beautiful…she brought a pretty special person into this world!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay!
What a beautiful text your mom wrote! Thanks for sharing!
So beautiful! God bless and happy Bday!