What we’ve figured out in a mere 14 days…
- He’s an eater. He eats, and eats, and eats. I secretly love it (although I’d forgotten just how exhausting it is to nurse a newborn).
- He’s a grunter. He’s a loud little baby, he grunts all the time. For no particular reason other than to just grunt.
- He’s taking after his sister in being born with dark hair, then loosing it to be replaced with a lighter variety.
- He’s a snuggler. It melts my heart when his little hand reaches up for my finger to hold onto while nursing.
- His favorite spot to hang out in the house is on our bed, he loves to sit and gaze at the artwork over our bed. I gotta admit, it is pretty cool. Glad he likes it.
- There is nothing better than watching him come out of a deep sleep with a "grandpa stretch". You know, the little stretches with the hands up to the face, elbows bent up and out, face wrinkled up, little old man look to them. Love em.
- He gets really mad, for very little reason, then gets over it pretty quickly, again, for no apparent reason.
- He much prefers warm wipes out of the wipes warmer vs. the cold ones. He lets me know every time I don’t walk across the house to get the warm ones that he thinks I’m lazy.
- I could smell the top of his head 50 times a day.
- He loves being swaddled by daddy, but not mommy, I don’t have the magic touch.
What we’ve known all along is that we’re totally in love with him, and I can’t wait to see more and more of who he is each day.
And what’s a post without a photo? Teagan with the beautiful wrap that our friend Jill made. I can’t wait to do a full session with it soon, she did a fantastic job, is seriously gorgeous! If you are interested in her wraps just let me know and I’ll get you in touch with her!
Thanks for stopping in =)
He sure is one very special guy! That wrap looks so warm and comfy! Great photo 🙂
2 weeks old already!.. He is just too sweet..
He is so gorgeous…..I secretly still smell the top of Vincent’s head everyday. I can’t get enough of that “baby” smell.
My gosh I could have written this post word for word about Ben. Seriously… even down to the fact that Daddy is the pro swaddler and Mommy just stinks at it and I smell his head 50+ times a day! =) Too funny! I’m glad you are enjoying your little man. He’s precious!
Beautiful beautiful photo!