I have no clue why he’s wearing Zachary’s sunglasses upside down, but it works! It was FRA-EEEEZING today. Down to 19 degrees and people in Nashville were walking around in t-shirts! These Texas weather woosies declared we might die more than once today. It didn’t help that our camper ran out of propane while we were adventuring. We got home and it was COLD. Let’s just say I opened the fridge to put groceries away and it felt warm when I opened the door (37!). One trip to Walmart for propane later and we are starting to defrost. We were supposed to go to the mountains in Georgia next week but with lows in the single digits and major snow fall expected at that campground, we are re-routing for warmer weather very soon!
That look 😍 I’m kind of obsessed with his new coat and how it hugs his face / accentuates the chub.
The coolest mural in Nashville. Austin sooooooo needs one like this. Lucky us that it was right next to The Juice Bar. We all craved the nourishment – we miss our juicer. Z had his first juice, straight up carrot and loved it.
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