1. Teagan weaned. All on his own. Cold turkey. A week ago Friday. I’m sad. And proud. I can look at him right now and say, I grew that. Look what I did. And I’m proud of that. But I miss it. Horribly. Probably doesn’t help that since he went cold turkey that I’m in a lot of pain. Thanks little dude. If y’all hear about a cow exploding just north of Austin, no worries, it’s just me. Seriously though, tough time, end of an era. I’m trying to focus on the positives…like getting my thyroid rechecked and under control. It’s still all out of whack from having Taryn and I refused to take the necessary meds while pg or nursing. Martinis are a positive. And getting the rest of my dental work done. And margaritas. And going to the dermotologist and getting some good stuff done. And beer. And the drive thru daiquiri store when we go to Louisiana soon. Notice a theme here? Well, I’ll attribute that to this being the first time in 5 years I haven’t been nursing or pregnant! There was just a few short weeks between weaning Taryn and the time we started trying to get pregnant with Teagan. But I’m proud I nursed him for so long. So….hey….look what I grew….
Ty took this shot. And how do you like that…a photo of me 2 weeks in a row.
2. I am loving the new iphones we bought. loving them. it feels weird to say that a phone has changed my life, but it has. more so, my business. i can now email out and about, respond to clients right away, send pricing info, and most of all have access to my ical, which i feel is my lifeline. all my color coded appointments for the kids, the biz, galleries, my lifeline now goes with me everywhere and i love it.
3. I regret downloading a handful of toddler apps because teagan and taryn are constantly battling for the phone. Teagan’s fave is peekaboo barn. He sees the phone and goes biserk saying “boo bar boo bar boo bar”. Taryn’s fave is animatch, go figure, the child loves animals and she’s pretty darn good at it. They both love the flashcards apps. Ty and Jase found some guitar hero esque app and Jase and I have been having bubble wrap app wars. I was the champ until he took the lead last night. But I’ll be back. He’s goin’ down. What are your favorite apps?
4. When we bought new phones for Jase and I, we also took the plunge and bought a “family phone”. At this point we are at a place where there are times we want to be able to get in touch with Ty. I’ve never been the type of mom that thought we’d give our 12 year old a phone, but I’m telling myself there are positives. First, we can get in touch with him anytime we want if he is out with friends, playing in the neighborhood and it makes me feel he’s a bit safer knowing he can call me whenever he wants. I was also getting tired of him having to borrow his friends phone to call and check in with us all the time. So, to ease into it (both us and him) we are calling it a “family phone” with major use restrictions. It was hard to believe that when I handed my 12 year old a phone, he was 2 and I was 23 before I had my first phone. Times have changed. And I feel old.
5. 10 on Tuesday #4 is brought to you by a 4 year old fulllllll of cheese:
6. Back when Taryn was two, we started using her age throughout the day….you are 2 years old = 2 turns at a game, or 2 m&m’s or 2 minutes in timeout. Same thing when she turned 3. So the first thing she asked me for on the morning of her birthday was 4 candies…you know…cause she’s 4 now. Granted, the 4 minute timeout, not so much fun.
7. While sorting through MC’s birth photos, I came across some video I shot of me talking to myself in the waiting room. What a weirdo. I might include it on her disk just for kicks.
8. I’ve been listening to a lot of Lenka lately. This line strikes me every time:
“Take every moment; you know that you own them. It’s all you can do, use what’s been given to you.”
Use what’s been given to you. That’s huge. HUGE. Do you see what you’ve been given? More importantly, do you share it with the world? Imagine what a different world we would live in if every person actually recognized and used the gifts they are given. I’ve been thinking about this so much lately.
9. A few fun details from Little T’s party….can I just tell y’all how much I love this kid. Last year, pretty, soft, pink tea party. This year, karate choppin kung foo panda party. She’s such a crazy mix of girly sass.
10. We had a small party on her actual birthday and then on Saturday we told her we would take her and Lily to do something special. I offered up a girls day at a cute little place that does little girl makeovers, etc. Not interested. Nope. My girl wanted to go bowling.
And she loved it. Obviously….
Happy Tuesday!!
Sooo…when are we meeting up for margaritas? We’re weaned too, so I’m all over that idea. 🙂 My grandma was in charge of the finances for a couple of bowling alleys when I was growing up so we always had our b-day parties at the alley – whether we wanted to or not.
she is so 4. would you look at those socks? please?!? adorable.
i am also in for margaritas.
Awww, sorry about the weaning!
Carter LOOOOVES peek a boo barn too, it’s his favorite. I can’t keep my iphone away from him now.
First time I leave a comment…….. I’m so with you on the weaning. I’m makes you feel like a champion but it’s such an emotional change within us. More harmonal disbalance, like we females need any more! And yes, look at the bright side, frozen margaritas, yuuummmmm!
I agree with MC on your daughter’s socks. They rock!
Ok everyone…..Margaritas at Gee Gee’s Saturday, August 1st! My daughter knows I’m already mourning my imminent move away from Louisiana’s drive-in dacquiri stores, so she got me my very own super duper deluxe Margarita machine!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I plan to set up a Margarita bar out on the back porch as a permanent fixture once we move. But this Saturday the bar is open in Louisiana! See you there!!
I could probably be convinced to have a margarita, too. …and I wanna see video of you talking to yourself. 🙂
I LOVE reading about Taryn! She’s so 4!! The pics of her bowling are priceless. My daughter was turned 4 today, so reading about your little one always puts a smile on my face.
LOOOOVE that last shot of Taryn!
And I’m in there with ya on the weaning. We’re basically done too, although he does still want to nurse in the mornings. But today he forgot so we’ve gone all day without. And I’m surprisingly NOT hurting. Which I guess means I’m ready too. This is such a big milestone that I think most of me is ignoring that it’s over so I don’t have to deal with the emotions!
But we’re SOOOO getting a drink together in Florida! HA!
your kids are awesome! i love reading about them =)
LOVE little T’s birthday cake!
Weaning is certainly bittersweet, but beer definitely helps! What’s your favorite style of beer? I can pick out something gooood 🙂
Looove that little sassy girl’s socks!! She’s my fashion inspiration today! 🙂
And can I say you are amazing for nursing Teagan this long! I can only hope to go 1/2 as long as you did…you are awesome!
what a great idea. …10 on Tuesday!
i must say i love no.6! i think we will have to adopt this in our house. great idea!!
(love the wanting 4candies. and love the shot!) =)
What fun! Love the decorations. I took A bowling last year on her birthday and she had a blast.