1. I’m reading this book right now and oh my, so much info, so many ways I’d like to change things, tweek things, organize things. I’ll admit I’m only half way through the book after starting it two weeks ago, but hey, I’m busy and it really is about taking baby steps, 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, each minute makes a difference. I’ve had tons of “ah ha” moments of duh, that is soooo smart!!
2. I love this site.
3. A few weeks ago we had some friends over and Taryn fell and hurt her bottom. She came running, crying, to tell me what happened. I threw out a “oh honey I’m sorry, come see me” and a “oh are you ok?” and then a “i think you’ll be alright”. Then she threw out a very serious and matter of fact “do you wonna kiss my butt?”….after a good laugh I declined, I draw the line at kissing butt bo-bo’s.
4. We are gearing up for a garage sale this weekend. It will feel good to reclaim the huge amount of space that has been taken up by stuff we need to get rid of.
5. Teagan is pretty much walking everywhere now. He’s mastered the art of turning around, turning corners, going in circles. He walks just to walk, room to room, person to person. I think I only saw him crawl one time all morning long. He thinks he’s big stuff. He pretty much is.
6. Taryn & Kylie. The last time we went out of town, we made the mistake of taking Taryn along to drop Kylie off at boarding. Jase walked in with them, the family in front of them was dropping off their dog, complete with bag of gear, blanket, toys, special pillow, snacks. Jase, well, he just had our dog. Taryn, always on the lookout for her best 4 legged friend, brought on the guilt. By the time he got out of there, Kylie had a new blanket, a new toy, special snacks, he’d signed her up for doggie day camp, a special room with a TV and special daily doggie ice cream treats. Seriously?! All she does is sleep all day, chase kids and eat Teagan’s throw overs off the floor?!? When they came home with the bill we declared Taryn would no longer be involved in dog drop offs. Fast forward to this trip, we swore Taryn wouldn’t go, but this time we had the blanket and the treats. It worked out that for schedule reasons, Taryn had to go, but Jase was going to be strong, stick to the plan. My mom joked that by the time they got out of there Kylie would be signed up for pottery classes! They did good, she did get two full days of doggie play day camp, but we nixed the tv room and ice cream treats, or at least, that’s what I heard, who knows what really happens when I’m not around 😉 She didn’t come home with any pots or urns, so I’m happy.
7. These totally make me laugh.
8. I think I would die if they quit making cereal. I could live off of it.
9. We’re getting ready to do some painting at our house. I’m sitting here staring at paint samples on my kitchen wall and just cannot decide. I really wanted green but didn’t like the samples against the cabinets, so I think we will go blue. Hmmmmm….decisions decisions.
10. I was at a session recently and the family had the coolest water table ever.
They got it at Costco (I asked – and I’m glad I did – it seems to be out of stock everywhere else) and coerced my friend Alli who has a membership there into going one afternoon. I bought one for the kids and oh my gosh, do they ever love it. The water runs through the faucet without having to connect it to a hose and it is the perfect size for our porch. Teagan absolutely loves it. When I try to bring him inside he throws such a huge, arms flailing, feet kicking, arched back, fit. It’s worth it though! Thanks for the recommendation Jen =)
Good read, L. Man, that organized home book would totally make me want to reinvent my life. I don’t think I have time to read the book or reinvent my life ;-).
And thanks for making me want to spend even more money on all that fun stuff!!! Thbbbbtttt!
ha! you and me both! i’m just highlighting simple things in the book that I’d love to change, one thing at a time and I can always go back to it. There is no way I could do them all, or even half, or even a quarter LOL! Just a new perspective 🙂
I’m lovin the water table =) I need one. I’m wondering if they make the cranky pants in adult size?? Hmmm. The doggie daycare is out of control, how funny. I’ll have to check into the book, thanks for the rec.
Thanks so much for posting pictures and your review of that water table! I love that it’s rated highly for kids with special needs b/c we are always looking for toys that will help Jayden out without him even knowing it 😉 Looks like we’ll be adding one of those to our backyard soon…if we can find one!
We totally spoil our dogs when we go out of town as well. They go to a doggie hotel where they are well known and loved! The owner get’s all excited when he hears that Kaci and Kodi are coming, and I suspect that sometimes they get to spend nights at his house with his dachshund! lol. In fact, you just reminded me that I have to make reservations for them for next week! Thanks:)
We have the watering table too! My kids are just loving it. It makes the Arizona heat a little easier to play in!